Google and Facebook control the growth of the online advertising market USA – Business – 06/10/2019


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Facbook and Google jointly controlled nearly 60% of the Internet advertising market of United States in 2018, according to the report, 3% more than the previous year.

Youtube, Google, dominates the online video industry, while Facebook expands its product from video Watch and adding advertising options.

Google and Facebook are currently under the supervision of US regulators for potential antitrust competition issues. The authorities are also monitoring Apple Inc. and one Inc.

Gaining market share is difficult because platforms must have new and specific features, as well as a certain degree of emerging technology, said CJ Bangah, director of PwC.

An advantage that telecommunications companies like AT & T They have on Google and Facebook that they will benefit from the 5G, the new generation wireless network that should enable technologies such as autonomous cars to be realized.

"The opportunity created for telecom operators is that they know where the consumers are, that they benefit from 5G and that they know in what applications consumers are spending their time" said Bangah.

Based on Reuters


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