Google Authorizes Marketing Companies to Read Your Gmail Emails


Once browsing the Internet or checking your social networks, you may have been surprised to see advertisements closely related to your recent searches, or even worse to your email conversations.

Well, it's not a coincidence. Google allows developers outside the company to read emails from everyone who has an account in Gmail, according to the newspaper The Wall Street Journal

Because of investigations which were presented it was found that the company Return Path that is dedicated to obtaining information to sell it to advertising campaigns had hundreds of computers with which it collected and badyzed until To 100 million emails

This information became known after companies such as Edison Software and eDataSource claimed that they were doing business. even. ism with Gmail emails, apologizing that is "a common practice" of employees, reading user emails to generate advertising.

It should be noted that in the terms and conditions When creating a Google Account, all these companies are covered to give them permission to enter the mail information with the consent of each one. Therefore, it is important to read what the privacy of each user in Gmail will actually be.

However, the access settings of other applications to Gmail allow them to see the correspondence of the users of this service. Thus, applications that compare prices in online stores or navigate the city have access to emails from users not only badyzed by computer, but also read by employees of marketing companies. [19659002] With 1.4 billion users, Gmail is the most popular email service in the world. And this violation of privacy is not the first such case in the history of the company. In 2004, it caused a riot for displaying ads on users' devices that contained the keywords of their correspondence.

Google is not the only company that compromises the data of its users. Microsoft and Verizon's Oath Communication, owner of Yahoo Mail, also allow its badociates to track the correspondence of their users while recalling that access is only allowed 39 with the agreement of the customers.

A scandal erupted over the world's most popular social network: Facebook . Cambridge Analytica revealed that this company had access to the private information of 87 million users. And they admitted to using this data to better understand voters during the Donald Trump election campaign in 2016.

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