Google Maps triggers panic among Internet users after discovering in the Australian forest | trends


Opinion divided on the image. The results of Google Maps cameras have become very popular in social networks because they show unusual and sometimes paranormal images, the latest discovery made by this tool took place in Australia and is really scary

According to the author of the discovery, who decided to share it in YouTube she used Google Maps to travel through an Australian forest, when she encountered something that scared her at early, but after reviewing it, he could find out what it really was.

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According to the description of the video, this discovery Google Maps cameras occurred in the 'Coombabah Lakelands Conservation Area', a gigantic forest of Australia that is protected by the authorities who seek to preserve all that

Most likely, the images captured by Google Maps were captured by a man who carried the camera that takes pictures at 360 degrees, since in this area it is impossible for the vehicle ] of the company do the trick

As you can see in the pictures, everything seemed very normal; However, the woman notices something odd in one of the trees, so she decides to zoom in with Google Maps and so to see the scene more closely.

In doing this, the woman notices that a strange black bag seems attached to one of the trees so she thought it would be something paranormal ; However, he later realized that it was a nest of termite bees, insects that destroy wood.

Despite this logical explanation, there are other discoveries made by Google Maps that have not yet been explained by anyone. UFOs strange creatures, ghosts, among other paranormal finds

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