Government analyzes allowing the entry of foreign tourists from September


These data, to which we will add that this level of vaccination will continue during the month of August, is what leads the authorities to estimate that in September it will be possible to have an almost normal functioning. Although all the openings are still subject to the level of infections which continues to decrease. According to official data, there is already an almost 80% reduction in the number of people infected between the peak in May and last week.

Another encouraging figure is the supply of vaccines and in this sense the government has highlighted the donation by Spain of 400,000 Astrazeneca vaccines.

Regarding receptive tourism, the Government would begin to relax with neighboring countries but the intention is to move forward in other openings. “It is about planning the authorization of flights”, they explain in the Rosada.

The government is convinced that the policy of limiting the entry of Argentines abroad and keeping borders closed to foreigners has slowed the entry of the dreaded delta variant of Covid-19

The holder of the Tourism portfolio, Matias Lammens the study of a plan to encourage the arrival of foreign tourists. However, so far this initiative has not been approved by Cabinet.

The economic recovery to which is added the possibility of moving towards a pattern of greater openings is what allows the Government to maintain optimism about the electoral process.

They admit that the economic recovery seen mainly in the industrial sector will start to take hold in the service sector as long as openings continue.

In this sense, tourism is a key activity and with this idea last weekend the government relaunched the pre-trip program for which it hopes to mobilize around $ 30,000 million in domestic tourism through reimbursement up to 50% of spending in travel agencies, accommodation and transport, among others.

The intention is to start one of the sectors that has suffered the most from the pandemic but also to lower costs for those who want to spend a holiday in the country and thus avoid a greater outflow of dollars.

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