government and business blame each other


Three American Airlines flights which united Argentina to the United States They were canceled at Easter: originally they had to steal the days Friday Saturday and Sunday and the US airline held Alberto Fernández’s government accountable for the decision. American Airlines spokespersons said the flights were canceled because the company “Compliant with current regulations.

The decision generated a small earthquake in the government, which Saturday morning contacted the company to grant new landing permits and thus ensure that the Americans will continue to fly once a day with passenger flights to Argentina. Currently, the airline flies from two airports in its home country, in Miami and Dallas, with passenger flights and also exclusively cargo flights.

From American Airlines, they claim they have suspended three flights to the United States "Compliant with current regulations".  AFP photo.

From American Airlines, they claim to have suspended three flights to the United States “in accordance with the regulations in force”. AFP photo.

Why were this weekend’s flights canceled? American Airlines spokespersons did not give details, but insisted that it was not a business decisionInstead, they blamed the Argentine government. “The company adheres to compliance with the regulations in force,” they insisted.

The truth is that rumors of cancellations had already arisen from the beginning of last week, when the aviation authority began to reschedule flight schedules so that there was greater separation between flights. And mid-week, the National Civil Aviation Administration (ANAC) issued a statement saying there were no restrictions on flights to the United States.

“Regular operations have not been suspended from any airline who does not come or does not go Mexico, Brazil or Chile“. The body that directs Paola Tamburelli had specified that the only modifications were “Hourly”, to be able to generate more space between one flight and another. And that any cancellation was going to be “full and absolute liability of airlines“.

The Cabinet Office restriction on flights abroad which has been in effect since mid-March, which also mainly applies to flights from Brazil, Mexico and Chile ordered a 10% drop in frequencies in the United States. But after this directive, American had already lowered its weekly frequencies to Argentina from eight to seven, and kept one flight per day. As well Argentine airlines had lowered its frequencies in the United States, which were seven flights per week, four. But US flight cancellations this weekend have been outside of this diet.

Doors inside American had previously reported internally that a new reduction frequencies, to lower seven to four per week, “at least until April 11”, pending new definitions from the ANAC. This communication was internal and was not officially reported by the company. But on Saturday morning Tamburelli contacted the company, Assured government sources, to ensure that there will be no further cancellations.

“They (for Americans) asked to catch up on all their flights, once a day“, the sources said.” From ANAC, they are in talks with the company, which presents the schedule, agreeing new time slots, that is to say, new departure times“they added.

– But is there or not a government directive aimed at reducing the number of thefts?

-There is a daily quota of 2,000 passengers, that’s what they’ve been informed. There is no obligation to reduce, because we do not pass. If companies they want to do it themselves, we don’t stop them.

From American, they confirmed that the communication that had circulated internally, on future frequency reductions, had is no longer valid. “Currently and in accordance with current American Airlines regulations works with seven weekly frequenciescompany sources added.


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