Government calls on business people to help solve problems


In other words, where institutions are respected, where they do not lie, where they strive for a sustainable macroeconomy, in a task that provokes rejection and resistance. "Not in vain for more than 70 years, Argentina stumbles. "they explain.

Meanwhile, for La Rosada, those who refuse and therefore resist change are the sectors of the political and public wing that understand business and politics with a sectoral and extractive vision.

Understand and be wary of the general malaise of society "It's not easy to deal with so many problems, especially those who fail to make ends meet." However, they have a hard time accepting more the disappointment and the complaints they receive from the main production sectors.

Ready to listen to them and ask for help Chief of Staff, Marcos Peña began holding meetings with different sectors, as was the case last week, and on Thursday received a few company executives More Petrol, Balanz, Farmacity and Eduardo Constatini, among others.

Without agenda, the invitation to Rosada aims to maintain the dialogue "Open and honest" about the situation in the country.

In an election year, the government has not escaped the malaise that reigns in the companies and that is why it began to open the doors of La Rosada to hold these informal meetings. The chief of staff's idea is to organize at least two meetings a week as long as your schedule allows.

In these meetings, the intention of Marcos Peña is "Speak with the truth" and ask them to "Involve in problem solving" because the official slogan is "The exit is between all". At least among those summoned by the government.

Peña will explain to you what are the dollar problems, bad data on inflation, poverty, declining activity and investments: "These are the costs you have to pay for a healthy economy." It is the path strewn with stones to reach the goal, always explain it.

He will also tell you that "no one reports that we have reached the zero deficit". And will defend the actions of the Minister of Finance, Nicolás Dujvone, as President of the Central Bank, Guido Sandleris. "Change them, why and why?"

They admit that the economy is not good, but they do not believe in themselves to be mistakes, because they attribute more the problems caused by the world, the rate of the Federal Reserve, the trade war between China and the States The Brexit, the Turkish lira.

They admit to local mistakes: having been optimistic about the inflation targets (although they accuse Alfonso Prat Gay) and have left so much behind in the exchange rate (here, they accuse Federico Sturzenegger).

These meetings, on some occasions like this Thursday, will be held with businessmen and in others with sectoral chambers.

As for people in general, "speak with the truth, ask for help, remind them that it was necessary to order waste and that's the way to achieve a normal country" "will also apply.

They are convinced that if Macri is not re-elected "The alternative is Cristina, who, for the government, is synonymous with Venezuela."

A third force? They throw it down altogether. "This is not possible". They also confirm that there is no doubt that Macri is and will be the candidate, that Cristina will be presented and that the economy will recover. They do not even accept in chat the thought that some of these predictions may not occur. This is so that they do not count and that they have no plan B in economic matters.


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