Government cancels and suspends increase in international flight taxes


The ANAC stopped until December 31st the increase of the rates of protection for the En Route Flight and the Support to the landing; they seek not to increase ticket prices, in a context of higher cost pressure due to the price of fuel after the devaluation Source: Archive

The government has temporarily suspended the application of the l & # 39; 39; increase of a series of taxes which they charge for international flights taking off or landing in the country, to a extent advocated by the Ministry of Transport, which aims to avoid the increase in ticket prices.

Here are the rates of protection for en-route and support flights, which are billed to any international flight or cabotage for air traffic control services by the National Civil Aviation Corporation (EANA). In February, the government had authorized an increase in both privileges, but it has now canceled and suspended this adjustment until December 31st.

In explaining the reasons for this decision, the recitals of the resolution 530/2018 of the Administration The National Agency of Civil Aviation (ANAC), the entity that regulates the sector, raises the need to "put in place measures to promote international flights" as part of "the national policy adopted to strengthen the development of the Argentine aviation". "

Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ignacio Sánchez

In the sector, however, they exclude in principle that this measure causes a fall in prices." The measure aims to prevent them from rising, "said sources from the ANAC.

The new economic context complicated the equation for commercial airlines, whose main input, fuel, is a dollarized badet. In turn, international projections predict larger increases in the price of oil in the near term, another of the factors that the ANAC mentions in its recitals to justify the suspension of the rate hike.

THE NACION of one of the major companies operating in the country confirmed the diagnosis. "Technically, there is no change, an increase is suspended, so there would be no reason for the rates to drop," they explained.

the components of the final price paid by the traveler who buys an air ticket. In addition to these fees and base rate, only one airport fee corresponding to immigration and customs services is included; a tariff for the use of aerospace that is collected by the concessionaire of each terminal, and an aliquot corresponding to the National Tourist Fund which collects the portfolio directed by Gustavo Santos.

The versions on an increase of the latter energize a crossing of the versions between the chef de cabinet, Marcos Peña, and the Minister of Finance,

Nicolás Dujovne
and presented the
alternatives that the government manages to reduce spending and reduce the current account deficit. For the moment, no changes have been made to the sector's tax system.

The scenario, in turn, shows differences within the Cabinet. "We oppose this measure, we want lower prices and open competition," they said in the portfolio that leads

Guillermo Dietrich

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