Government Expects Hezbollah Leader's Reward to Accelerate Arrest


"Offering rewards has often worked, you have to trust, it may allow somebody to give clearer data that will lead to his arrest."he explained.

Faurie said that the latest information suggests that it could be "Hidden in Lebanon with the protection of the armed wing of Hezbollah".

Moreover, he said that the determination to declare Hezbollah as "Terrorist group", he was "Analyzed at different stages"And added that "It was a decision that other governments did not want to take".

Washington's announcement to impose financial sanctions on Salman Raouf Salman and to offer a US $ 7 million reward for information about his whereabouts coincided with the secretary's visit to the country American state, Mike Pompeowho, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the attack on the Jewish mutual AMIA, targeted Iran and the Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah movement as responsible for the attack that left 85 dead.

"We do not forget them and we will never forget them", said Pompeo about the victims of the attack, during a ceremony at the headquarters of the Mutual Association Israelita Argentina (AMIA) in Buenos Aires.

"They were killed by members of a terrorist group, Hezbollah, backed by Iran", badured the secretary of state.

"We congratulate Argentina for taking this step, for calling Hezbollah a terrorist, the only way to deal with this threat is joint work," he said.


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