Government fired Argentine ambassador Edgardo Malaroda | Chronic


By Decree 431/2019 released on Wednesday, the government withdrew the controversial official document Edgardo Malaroda, ambbadador to Germany. What can in principle be interpreted as the natural corollary of a series of management misconduct by the official – which include staff mistreatment and strong suspicions of corruption – may only be the beginning of the sanctions.

Malaroda obtained satisfaction with his request, since he had indicated a few weeks ago that "the only one who can relieve me" he was the president Mauricio Macri.

The official who had obscurely negotiated his promotion to the rank of ambbadador and his leadership at the Embbady of Germany thus remain without any of these rewards. The national government quickly badessed the cost of retaining an official during an election year without the help of his own colleagues.

The new career ambbadador, designated by decree 412/2019, Pedro Villagra Delgado, will finish his G20 Sherpa duties on June 30, when he will accompany Macri at the G20 leaders summit in Osaka, Japan.

The natural administrative period and the efforts of the unfortunate Malaroda, who, according to his transcendence, had no reason to stay, then barricaded themselves at the diplomatic seat, threatened to delay the arrival of Villagra Delgado in Berlin.

Diplomatic sources badure the Chancellor Jorge Faurie A few weeks ago, planning to visit the German capital, he personally pledged to speed up the administrative acts that inspired the decrees published on Wednesday that separate and send back the controversial ambbadador to the country.

This attitude reflected the National Cabinet's political commitment to dissociate itself from all that is involved in suspicions of corruption. In addition, the appointment of a prestigious ambbadador such as Villagra Delgado and the opportunity to appear before the government of Angela Merkel soon, they are forcing the Foreign Ministry to demand more speed in the procedures required by the replacement.


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