Government for now not closing borders but reducing flights to Brazil, US and Europe


On alert for new ones coronavirus strains, the government will take strong action in the coming hours to try to avoid a second wave of infections in Argentina. The possibility of border closures is still excluded, on the basis of the recommendations of health specialists throughout the country, as well as the decree of necessity and emergency that he will sign to extend preventive and compulsory social isolation, Alberto Fernández will order the reduction of flights to and from Brazil, the United States, the European Union and at least six countries.

In addition, in another request made by health ministers across the country at Monday’s meeting of the Federal Health Council (CoFeSa), Casa Rosada is moving forward with the provinces on a schedule of strict controls for Argentines returning from abroad.

Although the ban on entry of non-resident foreigners into the country through airports and international sea and land crossings will be maintained, the government has chosen to maintain the possibility for Argentines to return from abroad, including destinations which, like the case of Brazil, have a high circulation of the virus. A year after the declaration of the Covid-19 pandemic, the president did not want to take a measure that would generate more social wear and tear.

Yes indeed, the announcement made Tuesday by the Minister of Buenos Aires, Daniel Gollan, when he declared that “the decision will be taken to severely restrict the departure of new tourists to the areas of circulation of the virus” will not be held for the moment.

“Gollan anticipated while nothing was defined yet. Likewise, the idea that there will be a reduction in the flow of flights is correct,” said a senior official source familiar with the decree prepared by the head of the ‘State.

If there is no change at the request made by the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, 20 percent of flights to Brazil, Mexico and Europe will be reduced, 10 percent to the United States and 30 percent to and from Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Peru.

In the case of Brazil, moreover, controls will be tightened, especially in view of the concern about the strain of manaus which has generated an unprecedented surge in the contagion and mortality curve.

Uruguay, where the entry of Argentines who have traveled before the restrictions is only by ferry, controls will also be stepped up.

To strengthen prevention tasks, the provinces have asked the national government to collaborate with country migration information to control the quarantine of Argentines who have left and are about to return. “The negative PCR will be so important for this new step because it is controlled that those returning from abroad do not leave their homes. The possibility of entering the new strain is concrete, so we must be more careful than ever, ”a senior provincial health source told this newspaper.

On this point, there remains one question to be resolved: the number of days of isolation at home that will be required of tourists. In principle, CoFeSa spoke of a maximum duration of 14 days, but then the Nation’s Health Ministry warned that there were no definitions in this regard.

In Balcarce 50, for the moment, they insist on the fact that “it is not yet resolved” but they assure that “in principle the idea is to maintain the same format”, that is to say 7 days quarantine, but “ensuring that it is fulfilled without exception”.


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