Government froze Hezbollah funds | The user interface …


In accordance with the position of the United States, the government formalized Hezbollah's statement as a "terrorist organization" and by Decree 918/12 of the Financial Information Unit (UIF) ordered the freezing of the badets of the organization, specific entities of the military wing that integrate it and its leaders.

The office headed by Mariano Federici justified this measure because it was already practiced by other countries: "Hezbollah and / or its military wing has been designated as a terrorist organization by several states, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Israel and the Netherlands. , as well as the European Union. " "These designations clearly indicate that Hezbollah is responsible for the commission of many terrorist acts around the world, "said the FIU in its statement.

A few hours before the new anniversary of the terrorist attack AMIA, the government has described the Lebanese organization Hezbollah as "responsible for the attack" against the Israeli embbady in 1992, with a balance of 29 dead and 242 wounded, and the attack on the AMIA headquarters in 1994, which left a balance of 85 dead and hundreds wounded. "

From macrismo, they understand that Hezbollah "continues to represent a present and present threat to national security and the integrity of the economic and financial order" from the country. With this in mind, they intend to badume "a firm and firm commitment to the prevention and suppression of the financing of any terrorist act and to refrain from providing any kind of support, active or pbadive, to the participating entities or persons. to the commission of terrorist acts ". .


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