Government negotiates purchase of Cuban vaccine against Covid-19


The national government is in talks with Havana for the possible acquisition of one of the “Sovereign 02” vaccines against Covid-19 which is under development in Cuba and which has already entered phase 3 of its development.

This was confirmed to Clarín by Health Minister Carla Vizzotti, who claimed it was a “high priority strategy” of the Alberto Fernández administration.

On Monday the 29th, Vizzotti held a meeting in his office with the Cuban Ambassador to Argentina, Pedro Pablo Prada Quintero, to clarify the objectives of the two parties, and they mostly talked about the “Sovereign 02”, as the Cubans baptized the one of its many candidates. vaccines to immunize the population against Covid-19.

It turned out that there could be Cuban vaccines in Argentina for May, and that Covaxin is being negotiated with India, but the government says “there is no information” on this. .

On the Cuban, there are no dates, no amounts or closed amounts. It was Vizzotti who started the secret negotiations with the Russians which led to the purchases of Sputnik V.

“I had a meeting with the Cuban Ambassador to Argentina, he transmitted and updated me information on the five vaccines that are under development in Cuba, and still working with all technological development. We are in close contact with Cuba and working together to accelerate research and explore possibilities to collaborate at the production level, ”the minister told Clarín.

“This is a high priority strategy for us,” said the minister who is still under pressure from the VIP vaccination scandal that she is now downplaying.

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