The latest data from the PAÍS project, a study by epidemiological surveillance that it is developing which depends on the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, worried the Government: an increase in the variants of Manaus and the so-called “Andina” has been detected in Argentina. In this sense, the portfolio recommended to consider the latter as of “regional interest” due to the sustained increase of the whole of the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires (AMBA).
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The data was collected during a show produced between April 2 and May 19, 2021 in the city, province of Buenos Aires, Neuquén, Entre Ríos, Córdoba and Santa Fe. The same document indicates that the “BETA” variant has not yet been found in Argentina (South Africa) nor Delta (India). Both worry the Casa Rosada, but especially that of New Delhi, because of its transmission speed.
A few days ago, the World Organization of the Nation warned that “it has become evident that currently more public health risks are associated with the B.1.617.2 (Delta), while lower transmission rates were observed with the other lines ”. This strain, like the Manaus, British, and Andean variants, is more dangerous than the original that hit the world in 2020.
For: EFE Services
“So far, we have not detected the variant from India but our system is alert on the possibility that this strain may be present in Argentina”, they admit to the Ministry of Health of the Nation.
To prevent the entry of these viral mutations, the government extended border closure from May 23 to June 11 and renewed the temporary residences of foreigners for 30 days. In turn, he ordered the continuation of the suspension of air operations of passengers on flights originating or destined for India, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
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The “Andina” strain and the Manaus strain
“It is very important to note that it has been observed an increase in the frequency of detection of Gamma variants (P.1, Manaus) and of the C.37 line (Andina) and a stabilization of the frequency of the Alpha variant, (B.1.1.7, UK) in AMBA during the last epidemiological weeks in cases not epidemiologically linked to overseas tourism ”, the report states. of the scientific portfolio.
Thus, during weeks 16 to 19, the Gamma variant (P.1, Manaus) reached frequencies more than 35% in CABA and 27% in GBA, and the C.37 line (Andina) presented frequencies greater than 42% in CABA and 32% in GBA. For this reason, it was recommended that the Andes be considered as “a variant of regional interest”.
No less data indicate that more than 95% of SARS-CoV-2 that circulated in AMBA has mutations in the region that differentiates it from the viruses that circulated during the first wave.
For: EFE Services
So far, out of a total of 2238 samples analyzed Thanks to active surveillance by Spike or whole genome sequencing, the most detected variants were Andean in 412 cases and Manaus in 398 cases.
The report adds that there has been a stabilization in the frequency of the UK variant in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area (AMBA) according to the latest figures.
According to the documentation of the Ministry of Science, the following were recorded:
- 181 cases of Gamma variant (P.1., Manaus). Of these, 51 cases are from CABA, 52 cases from GBA (nine from GBA North, 17 from GBA West and 26 from GBA South) and 12 from inside PBA. In addition, 13 cases corresponded to the province of Entre Ríos, 24 cases to the province of Neuquén, 14 cases to the province of Santa Fe and 13 cases to the province of Córdoba. All of these cases correspond to infections of individuals without a history of travel abroad or close contact with travelers. In the province of Cordoba, two cases have been detected in people who have already traveled to Paraguay and Brazil.
- 127 cases of combination of mutations compatible with the Lineage C.37 or “Andean variant”. Of these, 50 cases are from CABA, 56 cases from GBA (five from North GBA, 19 from West GBA and 32 from South GBA), four from inside PBA. In addition, two cases corresponded to the province of Entre Ríos, six cases to the province of Neuquén and seven cases to the province of Córdoba. All these cases correspond to infections of individuals without a history of travel abroad or of close contact with travelers, with the exception of two cases from the province of Cordoba which presented with a history of travel to Mexico and the Republic. Dominican.
- 45 cases of Alpha variant (B.1.1.7, United Kingdom). Of these, nine correspond to CABA, 16 to GBA (four from GBA North and 12 from GBA West), four within PBA and two cases of AMBA with no defined origin. In addition, 9 other cases correspond to the province of Entre Ríos, one case to the province of Neuquén and four cases to the province of Santa Fe. With the exception of the case of Neuquén, the cases correspond to people without a history of trip. abroad or in close contact with travelers.
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