Government promotes the dismissal of Judge Alejo Ramos Padilla – 15/03/2019


The Department of Justice has submitted a case to the Judicial Council to search l & # 39; removal the federal judge of Dolores, Alejo Ramos Padilla, who has in his hands the investigation into the alleged plot of espionage and extortion that surrounded the false lawyer Marcelo D'Alessio.

The document was presented this Friday by the representative of the executive power before the body that appoints and dismisses the judges, Juan Bautista Mahiques.

The government's decision comes after the controversial presentation of Ramos Padilla to the Freedom of expression of the Chamber of Deputies, was held Wednesday, under the impetus of ultra K deputy Leopoldo Moreau. "We believe that what he did there was an obvious case of poor performance of his dutiesand for this reason, we believe that he must leave his post, "said an official of the Ministry of Justice, to explain the official decision.

According to the note sent to the Council, the government believes that its controversial presentation to Congress has "Irregular manifesto and violation of the obligations of impartiality and reserve that every judge must maintain respect for the cases that he transacts before his courts and in the defense of the rights of the parties involved. "The presentation was made the same day that Ramos Padilla ordered Carlos Stornelli, prosecutor of the case of bribebooks, to order the summons to the investigation.

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"Not only lack of impartiality but he has not proved the observation either. the duty of objectivity that the law imposes on those who publicly accuse that, in the normal course of business, they are the representatives of the prosecutor's office, "said the Ministry of Justice in its note.This paragraph refers to the federal prosecutor of Dolores, Juan Pablo Curi , declared the incompetence of Ramos Padilla in the Etchebest case and has not filed any compulsory education for new business that the judge began to investigate.

In a note to Mahiques, the portfolio of the Ministry of Justice affirmed that there appeared to be a clear intention in the execution of the judge ", claiming as true the extremes of the investigation that, according to his own statements, has not been verified yet"Sometimes the case has still not proven the facts that the judge has presented to the deputies K who, in an unpublished fact, they applauded him three times effusively.

In this line, the Council was asked to open an investigation to determine whether the judge had breached his obligations and argued that "his investigation had a political and media issue far from the role that the National Constitution accords to the judiciary.

In this note, the Department of Justice noted that "the attitude of confrontation shown against some legislators, an action inconsistent with the caution and decorum expected of a federal judge"This sentence alludes to criticism addressed to deputies Elisa Carrió and Paula Oliveto, whom she has presented as" users "of data from D'Alessio, although they have never done In addition, he played the audio of the false lawyer who had sent Oliveto before being arrested, despite the reservation that keeps the file.

And the note concludes that "on the occasion of all that has been explained so far, I ask that through it, the facts described above be presented to the Judicial Council for the purpose of initiating the proceedings legally established ".

On the other hand, the "Obvious political goal" which seems to guide the acts of the judge, when he solicits his request for collaboration "towards dependencies to which it did not fit, as it is the program Truth and Justice, omitting in full knowledge and knowledge the obligation to ask those who are governed by law for such purposes, such as the Victims Assistance Center of Offenses (CENAVID) and the National Witness Protection Program and imputed persons ", aware that the program Truth and justice can only intervene in cases related to crimes against humanity"That is to say, a K-controlled body in the province had evidence that some defendants had not yet seen it.

"Dr. Ramos Padilla can not ignore that this ministry has always provided badistance in all the legal proceedings in which it was required under the legal provisions in force" and, however, his intervention is not required, the note ends.

The sources of the Council have advanced this newspaper that the government will struggle to get the necessary votes among advisers to promote the survey in Ramos Padilla. It will be essential for Peronism renewal advisers to support the investigation or join the kirchnerists to block it.

Meanwhile, Judge Ramos Padilla is the subject of an investigation in criminal proceedings opened in Bahía Blanda for putting pressure on the court staff of that city. When he was subrogated in Bahía Blanca, the lawsuit against Lázaro Báez was delayed because he had bought trout bills to launder money.

In addition, Ramos Padilla is a candidate for the electoral court of La Plata, which is essential for the control of the elections in the province of Buenos Aires.

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On the day of the judge's presentation to the lower house, Cambiemos emptied the commission and ruled that the appeal to the judge by his president, the ultrakirchnerista Léopoldo Moreau, was "a staging" and a "maneuver".

In the rare cases where judges were revealed before Congress, like former Federal Judge Juan José Galeano for the cause of the AMIA attack, the conferences were held in camera and under oath not to disclose information. Instead, Ramos Padilla spoke in open session and presented original evidence of the case.

During his many hours of exhibitions, the judge made serious considerations: "The truth is that the case may concern a prosecutor, not one, but several, a journalist, a judge is negligible … What we We can see may hurt relations with the United States, with Venezuela, with Israel and with the Republic of Uruguay, because this organization had an impact in different areas of concern of several countries, "said Ramos Padilla.

This position he is online with the position of Senator and former President Cristina Kirchner who, two weeks ago, asked the Supreme Court to seize the case of Alessio because she was stuck "as a foreign power ", DEA

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