Government says no changes in program with IMF – 14/04/2019


Interior Minister Rogelio Frigerio told Washington that the package to contain inflation that President Mauricio Macri will present this week will not include announcements on program reforms with the International Monetary Fund, a version circulating in Buenos Aires. They point out, however, that with the IMF There is a permanent dialogue on the economic level.

"The announcement of the president does not include the announcements concerning the Fund.This is a set of measures on which we agreed with all partners of Cambiemos," said Frigerio to the Argentine journalists at the end a panel organized in the framework of the Assembly of the IMF and the World Bank which will end Sunday in Washington.

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When asked if there were any discussions to make changes to the program, Frigerio pointed out that "We are still talking to the Fund to see what additional instruments we can use to better navigate this difficult path, but the president should not announce anything beyond this set of measures we have been working on these days, "he said.

In Buenos Aires, in recent days have circulated that government officials were in Washington to try to negotiate some kind of program flexibility – which includes a zero budget deficit for this year – before the prospect of inflation that will not give way not and when investigations start to create some shadowy areas. on the possible re-election of Macri.

At the end of the infrastructure debate in which he participated, Finance Minister Nicolás Dujovne was briefly consulted on possible negotiations to amend the agreement or to change the rates if necessary. currency exchange.He said "no" to both questions.

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Both Dujovne and Central Bank President Guido Sandleris met this week separately David Lipton, the number two IMF, considered the highest technical authority of this body.

Roberto Cardarelli, head of the Fund's mission, who is constantly traveling to Buenos Aires to badyze the progress of the program, also attended the meetings.

Asked about his meeting with Lipton, Dujovne replied: "Program monitoring, tax figures. The routine The whole routine. "


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