Government's favorite trade unionist is now presented near Hugo Moyano – 07/04/2018


The muddy ground in which trade unionism moves for the replacement of the skin which involves rearming the CGT command structure has left in the last hours an image in which Ricardo Pignaneli, general secretary of SMATA, is seen together Hugo and Pablo Moyano. The mechanic was the government's favorite candidate to command the union center, but now he is close to those who seek a combative profile of Mauricio Macri's government.

But the present time has changed, mainly due to the crisis of the automotive sector. In June, patents decreased by 18.2% compared to the same month of 2017. And dealers expect a difficult second half.

The industrial unions grouped together with the CGT with the Confederación Empresaria de la República Argentina (CGERA) published this week a document in which they denounce 72,000 redundancies since the beginning of the year 2016 [19659005] After the fifth Ctera strike, anticipate more conflicts of education "src =" "data-big =" 2018/07/03 / Hytsk9tfX_290x290__1.jpg "data-small ="” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

In addition, reject the agreement with the IMF and propose, inter alia, "implement a policy of segmented tariffs for both users and businesses up to now it is socially, politically and economically impracticable" and "resume a managed foreign trade policy, with the defense of labor and national production as an axis, badyzing international agreements naux. "

  Hugo Moyano.

Hugo Moyano.

The story of Pignaneli-Macri reveals that in May 2017 and in an unprecedented event, the president went to cut the ribbon of the union sanatorium ue Pignaneli founded in slaughterhouses. There were speeches and visited the health center; something that took a few hours to the presidential agenda. It was a return of presidential courtesy because the union leader was among the first to sign productivity agreements – in this case to increase the production of vehicles – in the midst of the media shootout between the unions and the government for Rehabilitation of the collective agreement. Private tanker work to exploit Vaca Muerta.

It should be noted that over the last three weeks, the number of unions has increased, as the past had brought together 18 unions and the first eight. Today, Pablo Moyano and some other guilds of his kidney were present, such as Tolls, Ceramists, Udocba, Anses and Canillitas.

In short, this block brought together critical mbad in several sectors. A leader summarizes for this newspaper: "The triumvirate is not finished, in this climate not only the lectern was stolen, but the government ends the strike.The CGT who comes must lead the social protest something that does not happen. "

Up before the strike In general, the rebadembly of the CGT had a fixed date for August 22; but sails today between the darkness . The area of ​​Gordos, Independientes and Barriouevismo could be inclined to give more life to the triumvirate to face this second section of the year; while this sector wants to stimulate replacement in August.

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