Graciela Ocaña considers it “practical” to suspend “purchases and preparation of Sputnik V”


The national deputy of PRO and member of the interbloc of Together for change, Graciela Ocaña, asked on Monday that the national government preventively suspend application and production Russian vaccine Sputnik V, until the European control agencies or the World Health Organization (WHO) approve it definitively.

“It would be convenient to suspend purchases and suspend all production of these vaccines and go to vaccines that are approved, even like those from AstraZeneca such as Moderna, Chinese vaccines which are also approved by the WHO”, Ocaña said in press statements.

Slow vaccination and distrust of Sputnik at worst time of pandemic in Russia

The deputy’s request comes at a time when more than 11 million Argentines have been vaccinated with doses (one or two) of the vaccine produced in Moscow by the Gamaleya Institute. Since the start of vaccination, Argentina has received 14,234,820 doses of Sputnik V (9,775,655 of component 1 and 4,459,165 of component 2) and 3,129,125 of Sputnik V produced in Argentina by the Richmond Laboratory ( 1,179, 625 of the first component and 1,949,500 of the second).

The MP’s demand joins that of the opposition after the National Epidemiology and Microbiology Research Center in Gamaleya replied that it could not answer a series of questions from MPs on the Health and Action Committee social. For this, some legislators They called on Alberto Fernández’s government to require the documentation to be submitted to the WHO, according to NA.

WHO suspended Sputnik V emergency approval process due to irregularities

In this context, el Fondo Ruso de Inversión que desarrolló las dosis rusas respondió that the Sputnik V “ha sido aprobada in 70 countries in los que viven más de 4,000 millones de personas, es decir, más de la mitad de la población mundial”, and “Its efficacy and safety have been confirmed both in clinical trials and throughout its real-world use in various countries. “

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