Graciela Ocaña spoke for the first time of the scandal by possible contributors truchos campaign


Ocaña spoke after the scandal by stupid contributors in the campaign who had him as the first candidate Source: LA NACION – Credit: Rodrigo Néspolo

Nearly a month after the start of the scandal for potential contributors in the campaign that has dedicated him as a deputy in 2017,

Graciela Ocaña
spoke on the subject and badured that audits "
They will provide the answers. "

More than two weeks after the beginning of the judicial investigations concerning the contributors to the Change front, the legislator said:" Transparency is the fundamental principle that must govern policies and society as a whole, a tool that has always characterized my work. "

On his Twitter account, Ocaña added:" That is why I hope that audits of campaign contributors will bring the answers we need as a society. "[19659007] Transparency is the fundamental principle that should govern politics and society as a whole, a tool that has always characterized my work." – Graciela Ocaña (@gracielaocana)
July 20, 2018

"In the search for truth, I plead for justice to conduct a thorough investigation, how should it be done in any case, and to enlighten it in order to continue to guarantee the full exercise of democracy, "closed the legislator who added the most votes in the country in October last year when the pro-government front has conquered Kirchner in Buenos Aires.

That is why I trust audits on campaign contributors will provide the answers we need as a society. & – Graciela Ocaña (@gracielaocana)
20 July 2018

As announced by LA NACIÓN yesterday, Ocaña awaits the results of the audit announced two days ago by the governor of Buenos Aires on the return of the funds collected for the bills. In private life, the legislator of the decision
supported the decision of María Eugenia Vidal to move "preventively" the head of the General Accounting Office of the province, María Fernanda Inza, treasurer of Pro Bonaerense and member of the team that raised the funds of the campaign.

In the search for truth, I plead for Justice to conduct a thorough investigation, that it will do so in every case and that it will bring it to light to continue to ensure the full exercise of democracy. – Graciela Ocaña (@gracielaocana)
July 20, 2018

The complaint is the result of an investigation by journalist Juan Ignacio Amorín, El Destape. There, it was revealed that hundreds of people appeared as contributors to the campaign, but they did not give weight to it. Many of those on the list are the beneficiaries of social plans.

After the publication of the journalistic report, the founder of Public Confidence asked for "explanations" from the Buenos Aires authorities. He was told that the collection had been "decentralized" and that many contributions had been made in cash.

When the case is a little stepped up, he contacted Vidal. During this discussion, the governor planned that she would order an audit of the funds raised to clarify the problem. The announcement of the measure was made the day before yesterday.

Ocaña and

Maria Eugenia Vidal
have had a close relationship for a long time. Near

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta
the president was one of the engines of the incorporation of "the little ant" to Cambiemos

subjects in this note

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