Graduate trips: 143 students found themselves stranded …


After the National Directorate of Migration broadened the complaint to the federal justice to investigate the presentation of irregular PCR tests by Argentinian tourists returning from abroad, 143 students who were on a graduate study trip found themselves stranded in Cancun, Mexico. “There are 87 boys in one hotel and 56 in another. They will stay there until they are released “, reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In statements to the press, spokespersons for the portfolio led by Felipe Solá They clarified that “the students are waiting to take a real test, because in principle there would be a lot of positive points” and stressed that “the Argentine consulate in Mexico is working on the issue”.

The case became public after a series of irregularities were detected, such as passengers who presented the same RAP and a few others who, when filling in and downloading files corresponding to the analysis, incorporated “Bills from mobile phone operators or beverage menus”.

Last weekend, the flight from the Riviera Maya sparked new alerts by registering 44 positives among 217 passengers, far exceeding the 1% average positivity typically detected at airports.

It turned out that the mother of one of the young people contacted the authorities of the migration directorate and explained that they had hired a service provided by the agency. Lunar journey, who proposed to carry out the PCR of the boys at the hotel in Cancun.

The analysis of the “negative” results had been carried out in the Marbú health laboratory SA but the aforementioned health effector does not exist at the registered address and “the Mexican authorities do not recognize it as subject to the control bodies”.

Likewise, the aforementioned company did not declare to the ministry the providers with which it was going to operate in 2020, did not load the trips to Cancun into the application system, nor presented the parents with proof of the zero tariff, the first paid by families for these types of trips. Along with the criminal complaint, the Ministry of Tourism initiated a synthesis of the Moon Travel agency after having detected various irregularities in administrative procedures.

In turn, the director of the Federal Commission for Health Protection and Risks (Cofepris), Miguel Angel Pino, assured that various anomalies had been noted in the documentation and in the material during the inspection visit carried out on Tuesday in the facilities of the Marbú Salud laboratories.

“The staff did not have adequate training and are not even on the list of approved laboratories,” added the director of Cofepris. He also said the controversial lab’s license was pending.

In this complicated health scenario, the government assesses during these hours the possibility of suspending higher study trips abroad for his “High epidemiological risk”.


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