Grandma had a few hours to live and consumed them while smoking marijuana with her grandson


Palliative care aims to bring them comfort and peace after accepting that their illness does not heal. Jeremiah Pollock, a man from Denver, USA, knew his grandmother was ready to die, so he decided to spend his final hours with her like very few people would – smoking marijuana.

The man explained that he knew the woman was running out of time, since the cancer that affected her had spread so much that she had rejected the chemotherapy.

In fact, she had been transferred from the hospital to her home to spend her last hours with her family. Pollock passed and walked 14 hours to be able to see her before she passed: “She’s in a lot of pain, but for a brief moment we shared, I made her smile and laugh, and the stress vanished from her face for a few seconds.”

The woman had terminal cancer.

The woman had terminal cancer.

“Cancer is everywhere, legs, stomach, lungs … Food and drink are not suitable for him,” he added.

As can be seen from the photos posted on Facebook, his grandmother was encouraged to smoke marijuana with him: “She was the most real until her last hours. And my heart is broken, but full. And these are my last memories with my grandmother. Now my favorite memory (…) the best joint I have ever smoked in my life “, counted.

The grandmother had terminal cancer.

The grandmother had terminal cancer.

After his death, Pollock launched a GoFundMe campaign to “pay off some of the debts he left behind, his medical bills and also the funeral”.

The publication of the young man on his Facebook account.

The publication of the young man on his Facebook account.

Recently Argentina legalizes controlled self-cultivation of medicinal cannabis, in addition to allowing the sale of oils, creams and other derivatives in approved pharmacies, according to the new regulations signed by Argentine President Alberto Fernández.

Among other aspects that stand out from this regulation, the law includes the authorization of personal and network cultivation for users, researchers and patients who register with the National Cannabis Program (Reprocann), of the Ministry of Health. .

“Patients can register to obtain authorization to culture for themselves, through a family member, a third party or a civil organization authorized by the authority responsible for law enforcement. Anyone who has a medical indication and has signed the corresponding informed consent, under the conditions set by the program, ”establishes the document.

The legalization of cannabis is a victory for activists and supporters of its use for medical purposes. “Networks have been organized and civil organizations have been created which currently enjoy not only legal recognition, but also social legitimacy,” the statement added.

In addition, the regulations will control the quality of its derivatives, avoid further compromising health, reduce illegal trafficking, and also open a new business in the country, to export and import products made from it. cannabis.


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