Grandparents’ Day: why is it celebrated on July 26 in Argentina | the Chronicle


Grandparents have a memorial day in almost every country in the world, and although few coincide on the same date everyone celebrates the fundamental part that these members occupy in all families.

In Argentina, the date set was July 26 annually, in addition to the celebrations of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. The choice of the day follows the tradition of the Christian religion, since it is the day that the Catholic liturgy remembers Saint Joaquin and Saint Anne, parents of the Virgin Mary and therefore grandparents of Jesus.

A sin Argentina, Brazil, Spain and 10 other Latin American countries celebrate grandparents on the same date, which has been recognized as the norm around the world. But there are countries that differ: Mexico, for example, celebrates it on August 28, while at France It is the first Sunday in March and the Poland It is celebrated in two days: January 21 for grandmothers and January 22 for grandparents.

For its part, although the HIM HIM does not record Grandparents’ Day on its calendar, the United Nations General Assembly established October 1, International Day of Older Persons, to encourage governments to respect the rights of older people in their national programs.

Latest call for International Day of Older Persons focused on coronavirus pandemic

The date is accompanied each year by a different theme: on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of its institution, the International Day of Older Persons called “Are pandemics changing the way we approach aging and aging?“, highlighting”the role of health personnel in contributing to the health of the elderly, with particular recognition of the nursing profession and special attention to the role of women“.

For the feast of the grandparents, the grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo launch the campaign “The best meeting”

On the eve of Grandparents’ Day, the historic organization called for a social media campaign to “honor all grandmothers“and, among them, the grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo,”who have been fighting for almost 44 years to reestablish this bond of love, hidden by the last civil-military dictatorship“With the network event, the Grandmothers are starting a party that will last all next week.

Under the hashtag #The best meeting, the organization invites Argentinian children and grandchildren to “flood the networks“with messages that”to claim this link which in Argentina gives its name to a group of women who fight to restore the identity of the sons and daughters of their missing sons and daughters“, they said in a statement.

We also invite grandmothers who participate in social networks to share the best moments with your grandchildren and granddaughters; and to the grandmothers who are still waiting for their appropriate granddaughters and grandchildren, We invite you to imagine this long-awaited meeting“, concludes the slogan launched by Grandmothers in Plaza de Mayo.


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