Grandparents Strangled and Burned Two-Year-Old Grandson in Oven Because He Cried A Lot | the Chronicle


A couple of drunk grandparents, aged 52 and 48, strangled their two-year-old grandson and burned him in the oven because he cried a lot. The miner’s remains were found in the courtyard of the house, amid the -20 ° C snow in the city of Kemerovo, Russia.

Dima, a two-year-old baby appears to be burnt in front of his grandparents’ house, where his parents had left him for a while. When Maria and Dmitry Shcherbakovy, aged 20 and 25, they went to look for him, they found only his clothes and after looking for him, his body under the snow of the burnt garden.

They are awaiting the autopsy of the child’s body to treat the grandparents.

According to local police in Kemerovo, Russia, the grandparents, who were intoxicated, were arrested after Dima “was strangled and thrown into an oven”. The motive for the crime was said to have been the crying of the child, which angered the grandparents and killed him.

The parents found the child’s body under the snow.

Russian judicial authorities hope that “Forensic analysis establishes the exact reason for the child’s death” to treat grandparents.


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