Great wait for the health of King Juan Carlos after his open heart surgery


The Spanish king emeritus, Juan Carlos I, 81, a has evolved "satisfactorily" after a Saturday open-heart operationsaid Sunday at a press conference one of the leaders of the medical center where he was operated after his vacation in Mallorca.

The monarch, who, five years ago, abdicated his son, Felipe VI, underwent an operation in which he was placed three coronary artery bypbad grafts, a technique that ensures a correct blood flow to the heart.

"His Majesty King Juan Carlos has evolved satisfactorily during the early hours of the postoperative period," said Lucia Alonso, director of the Quirón de Pozuelo Hospital in Alarcón, just outside Madrid.

As detailed, is awake and is in a "normal neurological situation, has a good mood, has risen and has started to eat food". Despite this, Alonso said that "during the next few hours", Don Juan Carlos will continue his intensive care, where he has been since Saturday.

According to TVE, it was the seventeenth operation of his majesty, which had in particular removed in 2010 a "benign tumor" of a lung. For his part, his son Felipe said that "everything is perfect" after the operation.

Juan Carlos I, who held for 38 years the throne of Spain (1975-2014), announced on May 27 his retirement from public life. Nevertheless, he continued to appear in public this summer, attending bullfights in Madrid or a sailing regatta in Finland, two of his pbadions.

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