Greece: the conservatives swept the elections | Chronic


The conservative New Democracy (ND) party won the parliamentary elections in Greece on Sunday and won more than half of the seats in the next parliament. It will be able to govern alone, without allies, with 31% of the votes counted.

The result was so strong that the outgoing Prime Minister and leader of Syriza, Alexis Tsipras, called the head of the ND, Kyriakos Mitsotakiseven before the results are known with more than half of the votes counted.

Tsipras phoned Mitsotakis and the two agreed that the transfer of command would take place Monday, after the president of the country, Pavlopulos Prokopis, swear to who has been leader of the opposition as the new Prime Minister of the European country.

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The partial results awarded to ND 159 out of 300 seats in the next Parliament, 85 in Syriza, 23 for the Center-Left Movement for Exchange, 14 for Communists, 10 for the Golden Dawn Neo-Nazi Force and 9 for the Party. created by former Tsipras Finance Minister who had rejected the rescue of external creditors, Yannis Varoufakis.

These elections were marked by the rise of the right, the end of economic rescue programs and high temperatures that could have been the key to participation.

Tsipras acknowledged his defeat (Twitter).

The general elections also coincided with the fourth anniversary of the 2015 referendum, in which over 60% of voters expressed a strict rejection of the troika, known to the Economic Command composed of the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the Economic Council. the European Commission.

Despite this result and because of the mbadive pressure exerted by this troika, Tsipras decided to accept the rescue and to comply with the orders of the three external creditors, such as budget cuts and privatizations.

With the recent end of the bailout, many European leaders have claimed the image of Tsipras, who had previously harshly criticized it, but polls from the campaign and now polls out of the polls indicate that society Greek does not coincide.

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Faced with this difficult panorama, Tsipras took advantage of the moment when he voted in the popular district of Kypseli, in the Greek capital, to make unsuccessful requests for support at the last minute.

"Today is a crucial battle, we give it optimistically, with firmness until the last minute, with optimism and determination so that the sacrifices and efforts of our people are not lost, so that the way forward for our country does not stop. " he badured.

The former prime minister announced his resignation on Twitter and explained what his role would be in the future.


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