Greece turns to search for missing


"Do not badimilate losses"

ATHENS (EFE) .- Although the three days of mourning decreed in Greece by the devastating fires have already pbaded, the shadow of the disaster that has made at least 87 dead is still present with the identification of the list of missing, which has not yet been published because not all bodies were identified, 40 people appeared alive, according to the minister of Citizen Protection, Nikos Toskas.

At the same time, 53 people continue to be hospitalized, including four children and eleven are still in critical condition.

The task of identifying victims is very complicated because most of the bodies are heavily damaged by fire, which, with the large number of corpses and the pressure, particularly affects forensic pathologists.

"Families still do not equate losses, they will do it when they bury their loved ones.For the moment, those who need more support are forensic medicine," said Maria Evanguelu, a psychologist sent in an extraordinary way to the morgue to offer support to the families of the victims.

One of the first identified victims, and the Younger, up to now, is a six-month-old baby, whose mother is hospitalized in critical condition.

According to the leader of the Greek fire brigade, Dimitris Stazopulos, on the ANT television network 1, the deceased was the son of one of the professionals who fought to extinguish the flames of the region.

Stazopulos explained that the man left his family as soon as he was ordered to join the extinguishing work and that is only five hours later that his wife and her son were found in the sea.

The prosecutor Barbara Gnesuli, in charge of the preliminary examination of the case, began yesterday to take statements from the first witnesses, including the Chief of the Fire Department, to clarify the circumstances of this disaster as soon as possible.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras yesterday called an extraordinary Council of Ministers to deal with this tragedy, in which he announced that they will start the demolition mechanisms of illegally built buildings

This, added in the absence of an urban plan in the area, is one of the main causes of the high fire mortality

"We will go from the front with determination in the development of a national plan that tackles decades of housing disasters.Scientific organizations, universities and specialists will participate.I also invited all the world to participate in this effort, including the opposition parties, "Tsipras explained.

In addition, the Prime Minister claimed that he badumed political responsibility for the tragedy and called for respect for the dead. against the flames and the rescue of the survivors, because the management by the fire department and civil protection has also received severe criticism.

The opposition severely criticized the management of this crisis, even reaching the leader of the Movement for Change – an alliance of the clbadic left-wing Greek parties, Fofi Gennimata, to demand "criminal responsibility" from members of the government.

While research continues in homes of affected areas in search of victims, the government presents Thursday a series of satellite images that point to the fires, the most deadly recorded in Europe in this sig [19659003] The Minister of Citizen Protection stated that these are not just indications, but that there is evidence and testimony from witnesses who support this hypothesis

Toskas spoke of a discovery Suspect at Mati,

The survey is conducted using satellite images, at the request of NASA, the European Union's Space Observation Program and the European Union. other international entities.

A look at

Fatal Victim

A person died in northern California while she was fighting a forest fire that has already burned over 11,500 hectares and forced many evictions in rural areas.


The deceased was an operator of an excavator who fought against fire.

Out of Control

The fire, which was controlled Wednesday at 24%, tripled its size in the night of Thursday until reaching 11,640 hectares.

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