Green hope | Page12


The green tide will once again embrace Congress. For the eighth time and twelve years after its creation, the National Campaign for the right to a legal, safe and free abortion presents Tuesday to the Chamber of Deputies its bill on the voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVE), with the signature of legislators and legislators from all political horizons, which reaffirms the cross-cutting support that added this historic requirement. At the same time, a federal pañuelazo will be held in more than one hundred cities of the country and in the main capitals of the world.

From 15:30, various activities will take place around the Congress, between workshops and militant fair. At 5:30 pm, the new presentation will be announced at a press conference in Annex C of the Lower House, but green scarves will be the focus of many concentrations. The text, already advanced by PáginaI12, decriminalizes and legalizes abortion during the first 14 weeks of gestation and beyond that period when the life or health of the woman is in danger and in case of rape. It incorporated some changes from the one presented a year ago, based on the parliamentary debate and territorial discussions that took place in the different regions that make up the campaign.

It includes a special chapter in which it reaffirms the state's obligation with regard to the application of comprehensive bad education and provides "advice" to women or pregnant women who need them, where they will receive information, support and contraceptive methods. On the other hand, it provides for prison sentences ranging from 3 months to 1 year and a special prohibition twice as long for the authority of a health facility, professional staff or health personnel who "expands, obstructs or refuses to practice unjustifiably ". an abortion in legally authorized cases. "And the prison sentence is punishable by imprisonment for up to 5 years if the woman or the pregnant person dies.

"Legal abortion is an item on the agenda.In society, the debate is already settled in favor of the non-clandestine abortion that kills women." It's a year elections and all candidates must have a clear position on this issue.Millions of people wish to do this, as has already been demonstrated throughout the country, "said Victoria Donda, MP SOMOS, PáginaI12, which for the third consecutive time is the first signatory of the project. Donda's signature is followed by Brenda Austin, Mónica Macha, Romina del Plá, Cecilia Moreau, Carla Carrizo, Daniel Lipovetzki, Araceli Ferreyra, Monica Schlotthauer, Nicolás del Caño, Carolina Moisés, Daniel Filmus, Mayra Mendoza, Silvia Lospenn and Hugo Yaski .

The fact that this year's bill will be approved again by members of Parliament would be one of the objectives, so that his salary in the Senate is in abeyance with the new composition after the elections: this year, 24 senators are elected. In any case, the fact that it is an election year will probably be an obstacle to the reopening of the discussion on a subject which, as we know, divides society.

"It is important to present the project as it keeps the discussion and the validity of a right that remains to be won.We can not continue to witness the deaths of illegal and dangerous abortions. is a law, "added MP Macha of Citizen Unity. Del Plá, of the Left Front, proposed holding a binding referendum "to place the decision in popular majorities and not in the dinosaur parliament, dominated by the clerical lobby". "Social legitimacy and the generational breakdown make it a means by which, with its advances and setbacks, it will sooner or later be a law," said radical Austin. "After the advance which has earned the average historical sanction of the project, it is doubly important to give it the status of parliamentarian during an election year." During the campaign, the topics discussed are those of interest or concern. The mbadive mbad mobilizations have shown that the legalization of abortion is a subject of great interest for a large part of the Argentines, "he said. Daily lipovetzky, PRO.

The project establishes that the IVE practice must be guaranteed within five days of its use and that practice in hospitals, social work and prepaid work must be covered.

One of the novelties brought by the text is that the cause of "severe fetal malformations" has been eliminated, following interrogations from organizations that work for the rights of persons with disabilities. The formula was also not approved by the deputies, who decriminalized and legalized abortion in cases of fetuses incompatible with an ectopic life. Neither says anything with regard to conscientious objection. This makes it clear that you can not apply for judicial authorization from anyone who applies for an abortion in the terms defined by law.

The project defines the scope of the right to the EVI while making some modifications to the Penal Code. Like the previous one, it does not criminalize women and other identities with the ability to conceive that they are experiencing or performing an abortion outside of the 14-week period and established causes. In the case of health professionals who intervene, sanctions are only maintained if they are performed without the consent of the woman or pregnant person.

With respect to adolescents, the text states that if it is a person under the age of 13 who requires this practice, "his or her informed consent will be required with the badistance of at least one of his parents or legal representatives ". And when he is between 13 and 16 years old, "he is presumed to have sufficient aptitude and maturity to decide the practice and give his consent". If your life or health is seriously threatened by a pre-existing condition, your consent must be given by one of your parents. From the age of 16, it is considered that he has "full capacity" to exercise the rights provided by law.

The campaign is a federal umbrella that brings together more than 500 women's, LGBTTI, social, political, human rights and labor organizations.

It was chosen May 28 for the presentation coinciding with the International Day of Action for Women's Health.


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