Greenland has responded to Donald Trump's bid | Chronic


During his visit to Greenland, the Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, said the interest of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, buying this sporty island is "an absurd discussion" and denied that the territory "not to sell". "I really hope nothing is seriously said"said the manager.

Trump manifested <a href = " Greenland-20190819-0014.html "target =" _ blank ">your interest in Greenland during the exam "strategic" for the United Statesalthough he clarified that this issue was not a priority in his administration. In statements at the Danish station DR, Frederiksen describes as "absurd" the discussion on the purchase of this territory and coincided with the statements of the Greenlandic Prime Minister, Kim Kielsen, about which Greenland "not to sell".

At the same time, the official indicated that there was "a lot of other things" that "would like to speak with the president" Yankee but confessed that "Wait" Trump's claims "do not be serious".

READ ALSO: "The reasons that push Trump to buy Greenland"

Frederiksen arrived last Sunday on the island during his first visit since taking office, with an agenda for a meeting with Kielsen. Although he is discussing several issues with Greenlandic leaders, he has ruled out the possibility of an American bid.

This is not the first time the North American country has tried to acquire this territory: the last time it was headed with Harry Truman, as president, in 1946.


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