Greetings from the whole region to Pedro Castillo after his proclamation Peru | “Together we will work for a united Latin America”, said Alberto Fernández


President Alberto Fernández this morning congratulated the President-elect of Peru, Pedro Castillo, after the Peruvian electoral justice will ratify Castillo’s victory at the polls after several days of tension. “I would like to reiterate my congratulations to Pedro Castillo, who was democratically elected and proclaimed president of our brothers in Peru,” said the president.

On his Twitter account, Fernández added: “Together we will work for a united Latin America”.

For her part, the vice-president, Cristina Kirchner, also expressed herself in the same direction. “Congratulations to Pedro Castillo, who finally proclaimed himself today elected president of Peru. We wish him every success in his management and we send a big hug to the dear Peruvian people”, declared the president of the Senate on his account. Twitter. .

Peru’s National Election Jury (JNE) proclaimed Castillo, 51, president-elect yesterday, considering that won by more than 44,200 votes against Keiko Fujimori during the closed-door ballot held on June 6.

With all the tables scanned, Pedro Castillo (Free Peru) obtained 50.13% of the vote while Keiko Fujimori (Popular Force), 49.87, with a difference of 44,263 votes.

Greetings from the region

From Mexico, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador joined in Castillo’s congratulations and extended them to the electoral authorities and the Peruvian people “for having defended the popular will and democratic institutions”. Likewise, he urged to start “as soon as possible” the definition of common priorities to tackle the bilateral agenda, as well as to work in a coordinated manner at the regional and international levels in favor of the peoples of Latin America.

The Bolivian Foreign Ministry expressed its “most sincere congratulations on the proclamation” as president-elect of Peru and added that “Bolivia wishes him the best of success during his tenure”.

Two former Latin American presidents, Bolivian Evo Morales and Honduran Manuel Zelaya, also congratulated Castillo on his victory in the elections. “It is the triumph of the dignity and unity of the lowly over neoliberalism. Pedro will teach how to rule for the most marginalized and the most sacrificed,” Morales wrote.

“Our congratulations and eternal gratitude for having defended democracy and popular sovereignty in Latin America, as well as the brotherly people of Peru,” Zelaya said.

The Venezuelan government joined in the congratulations of the rural school teacher who won the elections and assured that it was a “historic” step for the Peruvian people. “In this new political cycle that is opening, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, congratulates the elected President of the Republic of Peru, Pedro Castillo Terrones, and his Free Peru party, wishing them much wisdom when “he comes to assume the direction of the destinies of this sister and beloved nation,” the Venezuelan foreign ministry said in a statement.

“Our warmest congratulations to the President-elect of Peru, @PedroCastilloTe, and to the Peruvian people for their historic victory at the polls,” Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez wrote on Twitter, while the President of Panama, Laurentino Cortizo, spoke on Twitter. assured that he will work with Castillo “on an agenda of common interests for the benefit of the two nations”.

The President of Colombia, Iván Duque, congratulated Castillo and expressed confidence that the historic relations between Bogotá and Lima will be strengthened. “We send our congratulations to the elected president of Peru, @PedroCastilloTe. We will continue to work to strengthen our economic, cultural and social relations,” Duque wrote on Twitter.

Ecuadorian Head of State Guillermo Lasso wrote on Twitter: “I extend my congratulations to the Peruvian people on the end of Democratic Day. Success in your management president @PedroCastilloTe, we hope to strengthen relations between Ecuador and Peru with openness, cooperation and dialogue ”.

“We congratulate @PedroCastilloTe on his proclamation as President-elect. #Chile intends to continue working to strengthen the integration agenda that unites us with our sister Republic of #Peru”, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile, a country chaired by Sebastián Piñera.

Greetings and congratulations also came from international organizations. Organization of American States (OAS) Secretary General Luis Almagro congratulated the president-elect and said the Washington-based forum will strengthen relations with the future Peruvian government, which takes office on July 28. “I congratulate Pedro Castillo on his victory in the elections and we assure him of our commitment that from the OAS we will strengthen our work with the new government of Peru,” Almagro said on Twitter. A few days ago Fujimori tried to meet with the head of the OAS to channel his complaint for fraud in the hope that the agency would intervene as it did in Bolivia.

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), for its part, congratulated Castillo “on his victory in the presidential elections in Peru”.

The US Embassy in Lima praised Peru for “successful presidential elections” and said it values ​​”the deep ties” in bilateral affairs, which it hopes to strengthen.


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