Greta Thunberg: after the suspension of co …


After sweeping half of the planet, Swedish teenage activist Greta Thunberg began on Friday to find a way to cross the Atlantic to Europe after the UN announced that its climate summit was moving from Santiago to Madrid. Thunberg had already traveled half of his trip from Sweden to Chile attend the COP25 call, and he did it by boat, train and electric car.

"Since # COP25 officially moved from Santiago to Madrid, I will need help," tweeted Thunberg of Los Angeles. "It turns out that I've traveled half the world, in the wrong way :)".

"Now I have to find a way to cross the Atlantic in November… if anyone could help me find a way of transportation, I would be very grateful to you, "said the teenager, who refuses to take the plane because of carbon emissions generated by this means of transport.

Until now, Thunberg has crossed the Atlantic from England to New York in a zero emission sailboat, and crossed the United States from one end to the other by train and electric car provided by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The activist is one of 25,000 delegates that they were to participate in the UN climate summit to be held in Santiago. Chile has stopped organizing this meeting because of protests against the government in which 20 people have already died. Despite the need to modify her travel program, the activist gave her "support to the Chilean people" during its demonstrations.

Thunberg also apologized for not being able to travel to Central and South America as planned and said that humanity was "in a climate and ecological emergency".

The UN announced on Friday that Madrid to host COP25 as plannedfrom December 2nd to 13th.

The activist became famous last year after she began to spend Friday in front of the Swedish parliament with a sign saying "a strike at school by the weather". Students from around the world started to emulate their campaign, which resulted in student strikes and the emergence of the movement Friday for the Future, which indicates the action of governments to combat climate change.


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