Greta Thunberg: the star of climate change | Opinion


After two weeks of hectic travel, Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg arrived in New York to participate in the UN Climate Action Summit. Three years ago, he convinced his mother, a famous opera singer, not to use the plane during his professional travels and, true to this demand, he arrived on the eastern seaboard of the United States. On board the sailboat Malizia 11, property of Pierre Casiraghi. The boat is equipped to cross the Atlantic on its own. It is equipped with advanced technology: solar panels, hydrogenation turbines and a desalination plant for obtaining drinking water. Zero carbon The dream of every ecologist.

More than a million people followed the journey through social networks, demonstrating Thunberg's tremendous ability to mobilize people. In just 16 years, he has become a symbol of saving the planet and his message has penetrated deeply among teenagers around the world. Political leaders listen, although some (Trump among them) seem hard of hearing.

There is no doubt that he will be one of the protagonists of the summit. The UN received it enthusiastically and a frenzy similar to the one that his fans professed, Juliette Binoche and Catherine Deneuve, upon his arrival at the Venice Film Festival. Thunberg is a star in his field: the fight against climate change. After his stay in the United States, he plans – without using the plane – to travel to Chile to participate in the Conference of the Parties (COP), a forum that meets annually to review the evolution fundamental obligations signed by the 196 Parties (States) plus the European Union. The last meeting (in Katowice, Poland) was not as successful or ambitious enough to lead effective global action.

Chile, home to the driest desert in the world and colossal glaciers, fulfills seven of the nine conditions of vulnerability established by the UN. At the end of the year, it will provide a new opportunity to move forward in the search for commitments to reverse the degradation of the planet. Thunberg and his extraordinary media appeal will be at the rendezvous.

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