Greta Thunberg’s harsh accusation against world leaders for climate change | “They’ve been blah blah for 30 years”


The young Swedish environmentalist Greta Thunberg denounced this Tuesday the “30 years blah blah” on the climate by world leaders, accusing them of having “drowned” the hopes of young people with their “empty promises”.

“There is no planet B, there is no planet blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah, green economy blah blah, carbon neutrality by 2050 blah blah “, he underlined to the applause of 400 young people from all over the world gathered in Milan at the initiative of the UN, one month before the climate conference COP26.

“That’s all we hear from our so-called leaders: words. Words that they sound good but they did not cause any action, our hopes and dreams are drowned in his words of empty promises, ”he added.

“Of course we need a constructive dialogue but they already have They’ve been blah blah for 30 years And where has it taken us? “, Also underlined the environmental activist, who qualified the inaction of the world leaders of” deliberate “and” of a betrayal of current and future generations “.

The United Nations, Italy and the British presidency of COP26 have invited 400 young people from nearly 200 countries, aged 15 to 29, in Milan for three days to develop a joint declaration, which will be presented to the corresponding ministers at a meeting to be held this weekend.

“They invite selected young people to meetings like this and pretend to listen to us, but they don’t, they never listen to us,” Greta Thunberg told event organizers from the podium.

According to the latest UN report on climate change, states have failed to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, essentially limit global warming to 2 ° C compared to the pre-industrial era. According to a very recent UN report, the world is heading towards a “catastrophic” warming of 2.7 ° C.


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