Grief, compensation and Hezbollah: the government has signed three decrees of the AMIA


Source: archive

A day after the 25th anniversary of the terrorist attack against


, in which 85 people were killed and hundreds wounded, the president

Mauricio Macri

signed three decrees that were published today in the

Official newspaper

. One of them creates the Public Register of Persons and Entities Related to Terrorist Acts and its Financing (RePET), which will operate within the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. The RePET includes the pro-Iranian Hezbollah organization, culminating in the realization of the attack on Argentine justice.

Another decree formalizes July 18 as a day of national duel in tribute to the victims. The third decree defines the indemnities paid to a dozen former AMIA employees not affected by compensation already paid by the state.

The text of the decree creating the register "completes" the list of terrorist organizations established by the UN in 1999, which does not include Hezbollah. In the opinion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the name of this organization does not appear in the decree. But in one of its sections, it is established that the register must register "any human person, legal entity or entity over which the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) has ordered the administrative freezing of badets". Last year, the government froze the goods and money of the Bakarat organization, which would be linked to Hezbollah, after a maneuver aimed at laundering 10 million US dollars in a casino in Puerto Iguazú , attached to the Triple Frontier.

"The registry will aim to provide access and exchange of information about human beings, legal entities and entities related to terrorist acts and / or their financing and to facilitate national and international cooperation to prevent , fight and eliminate terrorism and its financing, "said the decree.


On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the AMIA bombing, three pavilions of the hospital's Cordoba Avenue clinics are now displaying murals made by specialists from the United States. Urban art in tribute to the victims and the medical center, and at the request of Justice.

The AMIA called this project to Mariano Antedomenico, Martín Ron and Mariela Ajras, who painted murals at the time of the explosion, paying tribute to the public hospital and to the request for justice without fault.

Source: Telam



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