Grief, compensation and Hezbollah: the three decrees signed by Macri by AMIA – Télam


On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the AMIA bombing, the national government issued Wednesday three decrees responding to requests from the Jewish community; among them, the establishment of a public registry of people related to acts of terrorism and their funding to "strengthen" the system of prevention, which includes the Lebanese Hezbollah organization.

The other measures concern a further period of 180 days to seek compensation from the relatives of the victims or those seriously injured during the terrorist attack of 18 July 1994, in which 85 people died and died. Another 300 were injured, and the other decree established a national day of mourning on Thursday.

It is about Decrees 486, 487 and 489, published this Wednesday in the Official Journal and bearing the signature of President Mauricio Macri.

In the initiative on the creation of the public registry, does not specifically mention Hezbollah – indicated by the Argentine justice as participating in the attack against the AMIA – but is implicitly implicated, saying that it is understood "any human person, legal entity or entity financial information (FIU) has ordered the freezing of administrative badets."

On Monday, Security Minister Patricia Bullrich announced that President Macri would sign the decree that defines Hezbollah as a terrorist organization in order to "heal a very serious injury".

The Registry will operate within the Ministry of Justice and will aim to "provide access and exchange of information on human persons, legal persons and entities related to acts of terrorism and / or their financing and to facilitate national and international cooperation to prevent, combat and eradicate terrorism and its financing ".

At the same time, the Government put in place a new 180-day period to seek compensation from the families of the victims or those seriously injured during the attack.

This new deadline is due to the fact that "a small group of legitimized victims to actively claim to benefit from the provision provided by the law 27,139 (of 2015) remain, who have not accepted because the expiry period had expired ".

Finally, the third decree states that this Thursday will be a day of national mourning and that the national flag will remain hoisted at half-mast in buildings and public places.

Acts and tributes

Thursday, the sirens of the fire station, ambulances and police patrol cars of the city of Buenos Aires will ring together at 9:53, to remember the exact time when it occurred. bombardment of the AMIA.

The central act will then begin in front of the reconstructed headquarters of the AMIA, Pasteur 633, under the slogan "85 uprooted lives, 25 years of impunity", and will have as speakers the acting president of AMIA, Ariel Eichbaum, and Sofia Guterman, Andrea's mother, who was 28 at the headquarters of the institution looking for work at the time of the bomb blast.

As every July 18, AMIA will remember the victims of the terrorist attack and will seek justice, denounce impunity and renew its request for punishment of the guilty, in the presence of relatives of the victims and survivors.

Earlier, at 9:30, the organization Memoria Activa will hold its own event on Plaza Lavalle, under the slogan "25 years of proven impunity" and with the grandmother's owner of the Plaza de Mayo, Estela de Carlotto and Taty Almeida, Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo as speakers, among others.

In the afternoon, President Mauricio Macri will present at 17:00 at Casa Rosada Museum the book "Justicia perseguirás", an initiative of the Latin American Jewish Congress (CJL) which brings together the reflections of world leaders such as Donald Trump, Angela Merkel and Jair Bolsonaro. .


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