Growing Mistrust of Investors in Brazil Faced with Bolsonaro's Constant Controversy | Internationale


After opening the markets on Thursday, the Brazilian currency continued to fall to break the four-reais mark after a bitter exchange last night between the presidents of the House and the government. Maia first launched the verbal artillery: "There are 12 million unemployed, 15 million Brazilians living under the poverty line and, for the president, he believes that governing Brazil is a game. d & # 39; child. " The ultra-conservative replied immediately: "There is no game on my part, just the opposite."

Cala in the markets mistrust that Bolsonaro and his ultraliberal economic team do not get a large parliamentary support (he has 53 in a room of 513) which requires a pension reform given the speed with which which it loses essential capital to change the unsustainable system. The proposal aims to save R1.1 trillion (EUR 226 000 million) in a decade.

Bolsonaro tried Thursday to calm the spirits to ensure that the reform is on track and qualify as "bitter summer" bitter discussion with the House speaker. However, pessimism has even reached the Central Bank of Brazil, which lowered Thursday the GDP growth forecast for this year from 2.4% to 2%.

Despite the storm, the retired soldier took the time to go to the movies on Tuesday morning with his wife and insists on the controversy surrounding the coup d'etat after officially encouraging his former colleagues to celebrate in the barracks. 39, collapse of the constitutional order in 1964. This Wednesday, he repeated in an interview his speech that the dictatorship was not such and minimized the serious violations of human rights documented by the Truth Commission. "We need to know the truth – I do not mean it's a marvel, no diet is a marvel, sometimes they have problems," he said after having badured that Armed forces never had "a repressive state policy" and remember, as if it was a fact unprecedented in history, that they had delivered "the government to the opposition in a peaceful way ". Something that looks like what happened in recent years in Myanmar (formerly Burma) and now in Thailand.

But perhaps the most worrying investor is the warning given by the economic czar, Paulo Guedes, to a parliamentary committee on pension reform that he designed. "I am here to serve you, and if no one wants the service, it will be a pleasure to try," he told Senators Guedes, who have become wealthy in the financial sector and are lacking money. political experience.

In Jerusalem, commercial office

On the eve of his trip to Israel, which begins this Saturday, the president has given signs that he may not be keeping his election promise to move the Brazilian Embbady from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, in the footsteps of the United States. Asked about the problem, Bolsonaro responded that he could open a "commercial office" in the Holy City, considered by Israel as his capital. Agriculture is against change, fearing that this threatens the export of meat halal (which follows Islamic precepts) to Arab countries, with which Brazil trades much more than with the Jewish state.


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