Guaidó advances with his government plan and adds support from the European Union


Guaidó, yesterday, arriving at a university in Caracas Source: AFP – Credit: Juan Barreto

The leader presented a project to fight the economic and humanitarian crisis and promised to continue on the street until "the usurpation ceases"; the European Parliament has recognized him as president

CARACAS – In the midst of escalating political crisis in Venezuela, the leader of the opposition, Juan Guaidó, continues to support the international community and has presented a government plan to surrender the country's economy back on track and mitigate the humanitarian crisis.

"We can not wait for the usurpation to stop [de Nicolás Maduro]to start working. We work. While some are waiting, we are working here, "he said at a rally at the Central University of Venezuela. We had conceived three stages: the cessation of the usurpation, a transitional government and free elections. It also has to do with the country plan. What we thought to be linear is parallel because we are already working. Priority 1: to attend the humanitarian emergency, for this we have the support of several countries of the world, "he said.

"We will continue in the street until the end of the usurpation.They bet they would get us tired, but the strength of people to recover freedom can not be stopped," warned Guaidó. "This plan has a fundamental element: there is no spokesperson, a messianic leader, there is a group of leaders engaged in development, the stabilization of the economy is the second factor, we must create jobs, stop inflation, and then reactivate the oil sector, as a resource-producing entity, to restore public goods and services ".

Before the opposition leader, some members of the National Assembly had explained the different phases of the project: how to stop hyperinflation, how to attract investment and how PDVSA could double its oil production . They also indicated that short-term measures would be taken to deal with the humanitarian crisis. Social policy will be one of the axes of the plan.

Meanwhile, although more cautious at the outset, the European Union (EU) strongly encouraged it yesterday, after the European Parliament recognized it as legitimate president, after the "public rejection of Maduro to hold new elections ".

In addition, France issued an ultimatum to Maduro and warned that it would also recognize Mr Guaidó if the presidential elections in Venezuela were not announced until tomorrow.

MEPs voted in favor of a non-binding resolution recognizing Mr. Guaidó as interim leader of Venezuela, while calling on all governments of the European Union to do the same. The motion had 439 votes in favor, 104 against and 88 abstentions. Thus, he joined several US governments – among them, the United States and Argentina – who recognized the leader of the opposition.

"We have taken a big step forward in our fight for democracy and we appreciate the decision to recognize all Venezuelans' efforts to restore constitutional order," Guaidó said on Twitter.

Guaidó also said that he had embarked on a process of cooperation with Europe for the protection of badets and the humanitarian aid required by his country. "I just spoke to Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament. [por ayer] process of cooperation between Europe and Venezuela for the protection of badets and humanitarian aid. Meanwhile the countries of Europe, "he said.

French Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, said that if Maduro did not call elections within eight days set by Emmanuel Macron and other European heads of state, Saturday, France will recognize Guaidó "in full coordination with our European Partners, with Germany, with Spain, with Great Britain".

On the other hand, the Italian government did not follow the same path as its partners and decided not to recognize Guaidó. "We are totally opposed to the fact that one country or group of third countries can determine the internal politics of another country," said Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs Manlio Di Stefano.

Guaidó tried yesterday to calm the Venezuelans. In an interview with the newspaper
The country, He ruled out the possibility of a civil war in Venezuela, saying that an overwhelming majority of the country wanted the Maduro exit. However, he warned against the "risk of violence", but from "Maduro and his regime", which use special forces of the police and "paramilitaries".

Guaidó has been proclaimed acting president on 23 January. This gesture was denounced by Maduro as a "coup d'etat" executed by the United States to "impose a puppet government", which caused political tension in Venezuela, plunged into a deep economic and social crisis. Leader of the opposition – recognized by some fifty countries, including the United States, Canada, Israel and the Lima group – said that he would remain in office until "the cessation of the usurpation of Maduro "be carried out. The opposition does not recognize President Chavez, who swore in January his second six-year term, after being re-elected in last May's elections, described as a fraud by the anti-Chavez and much of the international community.

The opposition, in Washington: "it's the moment"

Carlos Vecchio, ambbadador to Washington of the president in charge of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, sat in the Congress of the United States and, alongside the most influential senators and Republican Democrats in American foreign policy, he delivered his message: "C & Is the moment … a window to generate a change in Venezuela, Venezuela is ready ". The caretaker government of Guaidó has garnered strong support for Washington. His diplomatic delegation, led by Vecchio, was received at the White House and Congress and was applauded by two influential think tanks in the city, where, for the first time since the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, there was talk of " the day after

AP, AFP and Reuters agencies


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