Guaidó and his great friend John Bolton | After the failure …


Chavismo's number two, Diosdado Cabello, said President Nicolás Maduro "spared life" to the group of soldiers who rose Tuesday (April 30th) with the Speaker of Parliament, Juan Guaidó. For his part, the opposition leader and self-styled president in charge in an interview with the Washington Post said that the National Assembly would "probably" consider the option of a US military intervention and that, "if necessary", even I would approve it.

"Dear friend, Ambbadador John Bolton, thank you for all the help you have given to this just cause.Thank you for this option, we will evaluate it and the Assembly will probably take it into account in resolving this crisis. If necessary, we can approve it, "replied Mr. Guaidó to the question of whether he would accept an intervention by the US armed forces. in Venezuela. Bolton is Donald Trump's national security advisor.

The president of the National Assembly – an organization condemned for contempt of court by the Supreme Court of Justice – baderted that such would be his answer if Bolton, a national security adviser to the White House and one of the the toughest voices with the Nicolás Maduro government in Washington, put the American troops at your disposal.

In this perspective, Pentagon Acting Chief Patrick Shanahan said last Friday, after speaking with Bolton, that "all options are on the table". During the interview with the Post Guaidó, he described as "good news" the fact that the US Department of Defense does not exclude any scenario.

The 35-year-old politician led an uprising in Caracas on Tuesday, which, however, is running out of steam over time. For the Maduro government, the uprising was a new coup attempt. The president of the National Constituent Assembly, Diosdado Cabello, said that the government had raised the flag of peace and preserved the lives of the dozen soldiers who had organized the ephemeral uprising. Leopoldo López, leader of Voluntad Popular, is mocked by the sentence of almost 14 years in prison that he paid at his home to join the movement.

"It was very easy, a lighter target impossible to give (…), by land, easy, by air, easier, where you would have seen it during such an operation and we do not Had not done, we did not fall into the provocation of them, "said Cabello, noting that an armed confrontation with the insurgents would not have lasted ten minutes.

The official said that the prosecutor's office had already opened an investigation and that the National Constituent Assembly "was receiving all the requests for immunity" from several MPs who allegedly participated in the attempted coup d'etat. 39; State. "Justice will come, justice will come to all, do not doubt that," said Cabello in response to Chavismo supporters who expressed dissatisfaction that Guaidó and López are not in detention.


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