Guaidó: Change is very close


He also asked the national armed forces to comply with the Constitution and to allow the entry of humanitarian aid.

"So soldier, it's time, it was time to decide on the Constitution, on humanitarian aid and on the change of your family, your country and the honor of the Armed Forces. national "minutes before finishing the concentration with the notes of the national anthem.

Guaidó announced that in the coming days Collection of humanitarian aid will begin at the border with Colombia and Brazil.

"We already have three collection points for humanitarian aid: Cúcuta (Colombia) and there will be two more, one in Brazil and the other in a Caribbean island", He badured SL to lead a mbadive protest.

The opponent, 35, also announced, without giving further details, the creation of a "World Coalition for Humanitarian Aid and Freedom in Venezuela".

The head of Parliament with the majority of the opposition said that "We will continue until the liberation of Venezuela" and "they will not intimidate us".

Guaidó, 35, was sworn in after the proclamation of the Congress by Maduro "usurper" after taking on January 10 a second term that he considers illegitimate – as well as in the international community – following elections "fraudulent".

Twenty years ago, on February 2, 1999, Hugo Chávez was sworn in to the old Constitution, established in 1961 – by the bipartisan government of Acción Democrática (AD) and Christian Social Copei – to the presidency of the Republic .

Chávez won the elections on 6 December 1998 with 56.54% of the vote and launched his revolutionary socialist project led by Maduro.

The 20th anniversary comes as the country faces the worst crisis in its modern history, with hyperinflation that the IMF expects 10,000,000% this year and the oil company PDVSA, which finances 96% of the budget, is collapsed.


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