"Guaidó, come to the reflection" | The Vice President of …


Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez yesterday urged the self-styled president and leader of the opposition National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, to reflect and end the folly of his actions against the government. from Nicolás Maduro. However, for Rodriguez, what Rodriguez is saying is empty, as he moves even further in his plan to end the Maduro government. Yesterday, in a political act, Mr. Guaidó declared that he was ready to search Venezuelan borders for humanitarian aid sent by the United States to Colombia, which Maduro described as a media program.

"We say to the self-proclaimed (…) to come to the reflection and put you on the right side of the story." Quit the madness, stop delivering the resources and goods that belong to the Venezuelan people, "said Rodriguez during an act of support for Maduro in central Caracas, broadcast on the national channel VTV. Regarding Guaidó's recent statement on the possibility of military intervention in the Caribbean country, Rodríguez said: "The madness of surrender by a political clbad (…) is scandalous, it is a savagery but is the example of what they have been historically: a project aimed at providing Venezuela's resources, an outrageous project ".

This week, the United States, the first country to recognize Mr. Guaidó as acting president, sent humanitarian aid (food and medicine) to Colombia. The Colombian authorities are still waiting for the arrival of new supplies while reflecting with Guaidó on a strategy of crossing the border. In this regard, Vice President Rodríguez said the US actions were an obvious excuse for invading his country. "This lie of the humanitarian crisis is only an excuse to invade Venezuela and intervene in our country … here, imperial almsgiving is not going to happen under the effect of a humanitarian crisis ". Something similar evoked Maduro on Friday, saying that if Washington really wanted to help Venezuela, it should end the economic blockade and reactivate bank accounts. "All this humanitarian aid is recovered and distributed to the inhabitants of Cúcuta who have enough, 70% of the poverty is north of Santander, which is in Cúcuta," Maduro launched at a press conference at Miraflores Palace. The successor of former President Hugo Chávez felt that the crisis in his country was the product of sanctions imposed by the United States in 2017 on the state oil company PDVSA and several government officials.

At the same time, the opposition denounced him for an alleged blockade of the Tienditas border bridge, which links Colombia to Venezuela. Maduro said that the bridge was never open and that the trade of the Simón Bolívar International Bridge, the main land communication route between the two countries, was functioning normally. "There are bars welded by the Colombian government (…) They are placed at least two years ago.On the other side of the Venezuelan side, there will be three containers, I do not know how many months, "said pro-government politician Freddy Bernal. . Bernal said the bars on the bridge had been welded after the tension in relations between the Venezuelan government and former president Juan Manuel Santos. "Last night, through the international customs of the bridge (…), we spent 34 gandolas (trucks) with supplies, spare parts and other materials," he said, while noting that the border was in absolute calm. "The national armed forces are at the border posts with the constitutional mandate," he said.

Yesterday afternoon, Mr. Guaidó said during a public ceremony at the Central University of Venezuela that he had already set up a network of volunteers gathering people wishing to work in the sector for free. distribution of medicines and food products. "They dare to continue blocking the roads, to hinder the lives of Venezuelans, all these volunteers will open the humanitarian channel at the time," said Guaidó, explaining that volunteering would emerge from each of the communities of the 335 municipalities of the country. "The appeal has been opened to all sectors: the armed forces and Chavez.An organized people does not win anyone," warned the opposition leader and closed his speech, asking Venezuelans whose health is in danger for lack of drugs.


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