Guaidó denounces the intimidation of the security forces against his family


The self-proclaimed interim president of Venezuela said that FAES had gone to his home, where his 20-month-old daughter was, and asked his wife

Venezuela's self-proclaimed interim president, the opposition Juan Guaidó, denounced Thursday that special security forces were close to his home to intimidate him, as well as his family, and held the authorities to responsible for his safety.

"The FAES (National Police Special Action Force) is at my house and asks Fabiana (his wife) .The dictatorship believes that it will intimidate us at that time," said the head of the Opposition at a public ceremony in an auditorium. from the main university of the country, in Caracas.

And after tuiteo that makes "citizen Nicolás Maduro responsible for the integrity of my daughter who is there".

At the moment, FAES is at home at home. I make citizen Nicolás Maduro responsible for the integrity of my daughter who is there.

– Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) January 31, 2019

Guaidó, chairman of the opposition-based parliament, said his 20-month-old daughter was in residence and accused the police of "all they can do for my baby".

"They released my family with me," he said. "Do not cross the red line, officials," he said. "Think about the codes of honor, the family is respected," he added during a dialogue with the press from his home, where he was mobilized after the act that he did. he directed when he was informed of the presence of FAES.

#EnVivo Statements by President Juan Guaidó (@not a word): "They want to bully me (…) they will not be able to break the Venezuelan family" # 31Ene Log in now!

– VPItv (@VPITV) January 31, 2019

The president in charge of Venezuela @not a word, receives support from MPs, journalists and civil society, after denouncing the fact that FAES officials were in the house where his daughter was. Follow the transmission #EnVIVO by:

– TVVenezuela News (@TVVnoticias) January 31, 2019

The United States, which has recognized Guaidó as interim president, warned that the government of Nicolás Maduro, declared "usurper" by the government, would take action "against the opposition".

"There will be serious consequences for those who try to corrupt democracy and harm Guaidó," said Donald Trump's national security adviser John Bolton on Twitter on Twitter amidst Washington's new sanctions against PDVSA, the state oil company.

Contestant, the 35-year-old parliamentary leader added: "From there, I'm going home." At the same time, he called on the diplomatic corps, the other parliamentarians and the people attending the presidential act, to accompany him. "Let's see what the FAES wants," he said.

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) – of an official line – banned Guaidó from leaving Venezuela and froze his accounts and holdings, after an investigation was opened against him for "usurpation" of functions.

The European Parliament joined the United States on Thursday, several Latin American governments and institutions in recognition that they have granted Guaidó as interim president.

This Thursday, in an act, Guadió had presented a plan of the government.

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