Guaidó does not rule out allowing US military intervention in Venezuela


"We will do everything we can, it is obviously a very controversial subject, but by making use of our sovereignty, the exercise of our skills, we will do what is necessary"Guaidó told AFP's question whether he would use the powers of President of Parliament and President-in-Office to authorize military intervention in his country.

Juan Guaidó

Guaidó made this comment one day after asking Pope Francisco his "collaboration" for find an exit to the crisis in Venezuela.

Guaidó was proclaimed president on January 23 after the lawmaker declared Maduro usurpation of the charge. US President Donald Trump, who recognized Guaidó on the day of his proclamation, reaffirmed last Sunday that the use of the army in Venezuela was "An option" that was considered before the political and socio-economic crisis of the oil country.


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