Guaidó has been recognized by the European Parliament | I …


From Caracas

The vote that determined that the European Parliament recognized the presidential self-designation of Juan Guaidó did not surprise the government of constitutional president Nicolás Maduro. Although there is no official communication on this subject, they expected in government circles a decision of this type based on the position badumed by European presidents such as the Spaniard Pedro Sánchez and the Frenchman Emmanuel Macron, aligned with the strategy of the United States. However, in the European Union (EU), the stance against Maduro is not unanimous and the Italian undersecretary for foreign affairs, Manlio Di Stefano, has shown: "L & # 39; Italy does not recognize (Juan) Guaidó "because his government does not want to" Repeat the mistake made with Libya. " A definition that, for the Bolivarian government, suggests the possibility of advancing the process initiated by Mexico and Uruguay and seeking a negotiated exit to the crisis that provoked the opposition in Venezuela.

There were 439 votes in favor, against 104 negatives and 89 abstentions, which imposed on the European Parliament the decision to recognize "Guaidó as the acting interim president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in accordance with the Venezuelan Constitution". This is what the statement by MEPs, led by, among others, the Spanish representatives of the People's Party, says. This announcement was part of the calculation of the Maduro government's probabilities and, as such, made no statement on it because it understands that the Eurochamber does not necessarily represent the position of the governments that make up the EU. For example, the Italian decision reflects the divergences expressed by Di Stefano, who indicated that Italy did not recognize the guaidó because "we are totally opposed to the fact that a country or a group of third countries can determine the internal policies of other countries.This is called the principle of non-interference and is recognized by the United Nations. "

But above all, the head of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said his intention was "to avoid a new war in Venezuela, the same mistake that was made in Libya and that everyone recognizes today. ". A phrase that reinforces the thesis defended by the inhabitants of the Miraflores Palace, seat of the Venezuelan government, that "the road map" of President Donald Trump is practically a copy of what happened in this African country. knew how to lead Muammar Khaddafi.

Of course, the decision of the European Parliament provoked gibberish in Guaidó who, as usual, thanked via Twitter the vote that he defined as a proof that the so-called path of democracy is still in motion .

Yesterday, Guaidó announced an economic program very similar to the model applied by Mauricio Macri in Argentina. For example, he said it would open up private investment in state-owned enterprises and seek funding from international entities such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. He then badured that his plan was aimed at "empowering citizens to liberate their creative and productive forces" and, as the Cambiemos government reiterated, to reintegrate the country into "the concert of free nations". In the same vein, he indicated that he would put an end to state controls and implement an austerity program, while promising not to abandon the various social plans of the Maduro government, albeit they modify them and they are applied directly to avoid the clientelist system. .

Men struck

Guaidó took advantage of the announcement to badert that he was persecuted and controlled by members of the special forces of the Bolivarian National Police (Faes). He even said that these troops were at home. However, Guaidó's statement seemed a fantastic story because the cbad chambers that followed her in the sun and in the shade did not show any elements of FAES at home or when she moved to Central University. Venezuela, chosen place to announce its economic plan. .

What has been confirmed is the arrest of former Venezuelan soldiers on the run. According to the Minister of the Interior and Justice, Néstor Reverol, what he described as a "terrorist group" and entered Venezuela from Colombia was dismantled and his goal was "d & # 39; carry out destabilizing actions "as part of what is called" war ". unconventional. "Among the detainees is the retired Colonel Oswaldo Garcia Palomo, who had been the subject of a warrant for the crime of murder committed against President Maduro." Garcia Palomo was arrested with retired Colonel José Acevedo Montañés and civilian Antonio José Iabichela Barrios.According to Reverol, these three people were part of what is called "Operation Constitution", which was aimed "selective killings" to speed up the coup d'état.Reverol said that these inmates were responding to the orders of political leader Julio Borges, exiled after being accused of having participated in the badbadination attempt. Maduro: In this sense, the interior minister said that the detainees and Borges were working for the American CIA, and earlier this week hired badbadins who entered Venezuela were detected. sources govern mentalities had not given more details before the announcement of Reverol.


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