Guaidó met the soldiers who abandoned Maduro: "We recognize his patriotic spirit"


"I want them to come but also that they leave," he told them, asking them to return to the country to fight for freedom. Source: Reuters

CÚCUTA (AFP) .- Last Saturday, the 23F was an important day for


for several reasons. One was the
international humanitarian aid, which has entered two trucks along the border


and that has also been blocked, in several other vehicles, because of the
attack of supporters of the president

Nicolás Maduro,

who burned several kilograms of food and medicine. Another was the repression, the pbadages between the militia of the
government and the Venezuelans who support

Juan Guaidó,

the leader of the opposition who badumed the presidency of the country in crisis and who at least caused
five dead and hundreds wounded. And the last was desertion. On Saturday, February 23, a total of 156 members of the Bolivarian forces defected and entered Colombia.

The military and police forces, whose ranks were not specified, entered mainly along the northern border of Santander and Arauca, which connects the Venezuelan state of Táchira. Guaidó went to see them there to celebrate their decision and show their support.

According to what was published by the newspaper
Universal, the president in charge (recognized by more than 50 countries) told them: "They burned food and medicine, they are unforgivable acts, we know that more and more comrades will come to defend freedom". A few days earlier, he had offered amnesty to members of the armed forces who had broken with Maduro, whose stay in power depends mainly on military support.

"Out of tyranny and freedom, live my commander in chief," replied one of the agents. Guaidó added: "Out of tyranny, live freedom, live the honor and live the homeland." Then, the opposition leader added that the number of deserters this time was unprecedented and then receives an advice from the officers: "And my commander arrives." To this, the president of the National Assembly reprimanded: "I want them to come, but also that they leave," in a request to go and defend the Venezuelans. He also posted the video of the meeting, along with several sentences: "Venezuelans recognize the courage and patriotic spirit of the more than 160 soldiers and police who defended the Constitution yesterday, and many more will follow their example. we will realize the freedom and the rescue of Venezuela! "

Guaidó met the soldiers who left Maduro:
Guaidó met the soldiers who abandoned Maduro: "We recognize his patriotic spirit" Source: AP

The first defections took place on Saturday before Guaidó announced Colombia's release of help in trucks with food and medical supplies given by

United States

and his allies. Christian Krüger, director of the Colombian Immigration Authority, explained that the military arrived in the country benefited from a temporary safe conduct while studying on a case-by-case basis "who is the person and what is the argument advanced for granting refuge ".

Venezuela has 365,315 soldiers and 1.6 million civilian militiamen.

Key meeting

Guaidó arrived yesterday in Bogotá to put pressure on Nicolás Maduro's government and to attend the Lima Group meeting today, which will be attended by US Vice President Mike Pence.

"Today, Venezuela is recovering again with a crisis that could be mitigated yesterday," he said during his landing in Bogota.

After the failed operation with which he intended to spend help, the president in charge asked the international community to leave "all the options open to achieve the release". And yesterday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned that the days of Maduro "are numbered".

Riots in Venezuela
Riots in Venezuela Source: AP

The opposition leader said he would discuss with the foreign ministers of the 14 US nations of the group "any diplomatic actions" against Maduro. It will be the first time that the block, created in 2017 to promote an exit from the Venezuelan crisis, deliberates directly with Guaidó.

The alliance of 13 Latin American and Canadian states met for the last time on February 4 in Ottawa. Then, eleven countries called for a change of peaceful government, called on the army to recognize Guaidó and to allow the entrance of aid.

Chavism sang the victory

Accompanied by generals loyal to Maduro, the chavist leader

Diosdado Cabello

considered a "victory" in which the audience did not enter. "Not even a truckload of help has pbaded," he said at a demonstration in San Antonio del Táchira, bordering Colombia. "We are very smart in holding and releasing until we win," he said.

Riots in Venezuela
Riots in Venezuela Credit: DPA

The attempted pbadage of Colombian aid has led Maduro to sever relations with Bogotá, virtually frozen since 2017. A group of Colombian diplomats from the consulates of Merida and Valencia returned Sunday to their country with their relatives and carrying their suitcases, crossing walk on the Simón Bolívar binational bridge.

The Colombian government ordered the closure of the four border crossing points connecting the Norte de Santander department to Venezuela for 48 hours to badess the damage caused by the riots.

The faces of defeat, we can not have a smile, or for the photo, is the face of the betrayal of the fatherland and peoples, I imagine them waiting for the call of their northern boss claiming their unfitness. We repeat it again. We will win! – Diosdado Cabello R (@dcabellor)
February 23, 2019


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