Guaidó redoubles pressure with a massive march, but Maduro confirms that he will not give up


The mobilization will end at the main avenue of Las Mercedes, in the east of the city.

Officials and opponents have been summoned in moments of high tension, with an unknown leader of the international community and an opponent backed by the United States, several Latin American countries and the European powers.

The march of the opposition will send "a message to the European Union" thank "all countries that will soon recognize us"said the parliamentary leader, who was sworn in on 23 January, changing the political landscape of the long Venezuelan crisis.

Opponents, who will meet in front of the European Union headquarters in the east of Caracas, will show their support for the ultimatum they launched in Maduro (France, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, Portugal and the Netherlands) to accept "free elections" or they will recognize Guaidó as president in charge.

Guaidó, 35, was sworn in after the proclamation of the Congress by Maduro "usurper" after taking on January 10 a second term that he considers illegitimate – as well as in the international community – following elections "fraudulent".

But Maduro, 21 years older than his opponent, claims to have China and Russia and to be a victim of a coup, in which Washington uses "Marionette" in Guaidó.

  • "We will continue on the path of Commander Chávez," Maduro said.

Nicolás Maduro, said that despite the attacks and "imperial conspiracies", the Bolivarian revolution that takes place this Saturday 20 years "is a city that has decided to be free."

"Today, we celebrate 20 years of work, struggle, progress and important achievements, despite the difficulties and imperial conspiracies.The Bolivarian Revolution is a people who decided to freely claim, with the Help from our commander Chávez.! "he said.

He also said that people demonstrated, "a deep loyalty and an infinite love for the Bolivarian revolution, which fills us with force to continue on the way of the commander Chávez".

"Thank you for so much love!" He added.

Maduro stressed that the struggle "for self-determination is deeply rooted in the historical struggles of independence led by our Libertadores".

"From them comes the strength with which we defend the sovereignty and the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela," he said.

Twenty years ago, on February 2, 1999, Chávez was sworn in to the old Constitution, established in 1961 – by the bipartisan government of Democratic Action (AD) and the Christian Social Copei – to the presidency of the Republic.

Chávez won the elections on 6 December 1998 with 56.54% of the vote and launched his revolutionary socialist project led by Maduro.

The 20th anniversary comes as the country faces the worst crisis in its modern history, with hyperinflation that the IMF expects 10,000,000% this year and the oil company PDVSA, which finances 96% of the budget, is collapsed.


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