Guaidó returns to Caracas, protected by strong international defense – 03/02/2019


After an extensive tour in several South American countries, Venezuelan Parliament Speaker and acting President, Juan Guaidó, is preparing to return to his country under the threats of Nicolás Maduro's regime. This situation provoked the reaction of the United States, Europe and several regional governments, who urged Caracas to avoid any action endangering the security of the opposition leader.

"Any measure likely to compromise the freedom, security or personal integrity of Juan Guaidó would represent a great escalation of tension and deserve the strong condemnation of the international community," said the Chancellor of the European Union, Federica Mogherini.

Guaidó with the president and Mauricio Macri, to Quinta de Olivos.

Guaidó with the president and Mauricio Macri, to Quinta de Olivos.

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

The diplomat recalled that members of the National Assembly "enjoy the immunity granted by the Constitution which must be fully respected". Thus, he stressed that "they should be able to exercise their parliamentary mandate without intimidation against them or their family members".

The United States used harsher language because it said that the arrest of Guaidó would have "serious consequences". Assistant Secretary of State Kimberly Breier warned that her government would not tolerate the possible imprisonment of the leader she met in Brasilia. "It would be terrible for the regime if it stops, if that is the case, it may be the last mistake of the regime, because the international community would react quickly," he said.

The Brazilian government has also argued that the president of the National Assembly of Venezuela can return to his country without incident or violation of his rights after his tour of Latin America.

He worked with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonao. (EFE)

He worked with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonao. (EFE)

"The Brazilian government, by rejecting the intimidation and threats of the Maduro regime against the President of Venezuela and his family, expresses the hope that his return to Venezuela will be without incident," said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement. .

The Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs added that he also hoped that "the rights and security of President Guaidó, his family and his advisers would be fully respected by those who still control the regime's repressive apparatus. ".

Guaidó went to Ecuador on Saturday to meet with President Lenin Moreno, one of the last stops of his tour in Latin America. The opposition leader left Venezuela last weekend to take part in the Colombian border's concert for Venezuelans and the provision of humanitarian aid to the most disadvantaged sectors.

This action was interpreted by the regime as a contestation of the Venezuelan Supreme Court – under the control of Chavez – who had forbidden him to leave the country because of the cause that had initiated him to proclaim himself acting president. Maduro had already warned that he would be imprisoned when he entered Venezuelan soil because he had violated the order of justice.

Guaidó delayed his return and took the week to visit the countries that support him. With mention, he was received by the presidents of Colombia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Ecuador.

The Venezuelan opposition leader has already announced that "at the latest" he will return to Caracas on Monday, "despite the threats" that he could be jailed. He argued that, if he is arrested. "There will be a popular uprising." "Whether they hold me or not, there are already very specific approaches, both mobilization, demonstrations and actions with public service employees." This is well defined: we have developed a strategy to ensure that all Venezuelans take to the streets, "he said.

He again asked the army to give up the Maduro government and to bow to the demand for free elections. "We reiterate that there will be an amnesty and guarantees for all those who adhere to the Constitution." Those who go against the people will have to bear the consequences of their actions in court, "Guaidó said on his behalf. twitter account.

His return is a challenge for Maduro, who must decide to stop and provoke a strong international reaction or let him enter serenely, thereby undermining his authority. "This is accompanied by increased international support, backed by the United States and its threat to act more strongly when it affects it, but it risks detention or attacks on its own. physical integrity, "said political scientist Luis Salamanca.

Delphos consultant Felix Seijas has something similar: "The government will have to evaluate the costs, and that will depend on the credibility of the fact that the US is going beyond the rhetoric."


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