Guaidó said that he already controlled Venezuela's funds in the United States.


"From that moment on, we began the progressive and orderly control of our Republic's badets abroad, in order to avoid this at the stage of its exit and not in accordance with all that has was stolen in Venezuela, the usurper and his gang seek to win the pot and continue to steal money from Venezuelans, "says the message.

This is to prevent the Chavez government from continuing "fund crimes internationally and use this money to torture our people, starve them of food and medicine and murder those who demonstrate to defend their rights"he adds.

The head of the executive explained that he had ordered "the transfer of the accounts of the Republic under the control of the Venezuelan State and its legitimate authorities in order to prevent further looting and allocate them to solve the problems of Venezuelans "under parliamentary control.

Guaidó said that he had denounced "in front of the international community the corruption of the state oil company Pdvsa and the way they turned it into a crime financing network."

PDVSA is the state monopoly that manages the trade that provides Venezuela with over 95% of its revenues. Chavez placed him under military control and badigned other duties, such as food distribution.

In addition, the interim president said that the process of appointing the boards of directors of Pdvsa and its American subsidiary, Citgo, would begin to "initiate the recovery" of the Venezuelan oil industry which he said , goes through a "dark moment."

At present, the decision by the United States to give Guaidó control of Venezuelan accounts on US soil is unclear, as they have sometimes been subject to economic sanctions by Washington.

It should be mentioned that Guaidó asked the world banks to "protect" the Venezuelan badets in other countries so that the administration of Nicolás Maduro can not dispose of it. "We have extended this application to countries around the world, as well as to institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Bank of England (and) International Transactions Bank", said Venezuela's self-proclaimed president through his networks. social.


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