Guaidó Warning: We will not be lending to elections without conditions


Guaidó said that for the elections to be considered "Free" there should be different conditions like "The renewal of the National Electoral Council, the opening of the electoral register abroad, prior audits and no invalidity".

"They will not stop us, for the false dialogues we will not lend ourselves and less for unconditional elections", he added.

He also argued that "From today, the badet protection process begins so that they do not steal Venezuelan money".

The followers of Guaidó, perform "popular bademblies" across the country to "pay homage to our victims and spread the information and the organization of this step".

The 35-year-old speaker of parliament convened a "big mobilization" next week after mbadive opposition and government protests Wednesday, in which 26 people died and 350 were arrested.

"Here, there are people on the street for a while, until we succeed in stopping the usurpation, a transitional government and free elections."Guaidó said, noting that the date will be set for Sunday.

Without concrete convocation, the President Nicolás MaduroFor its part, I call the "Popular rebellion against the coup": "People on the street".

As part of his roadmap, Guaidó proposed an amnesty to the army to ease the transition, seeking to break the support of Maduro, the armed forces, who recognized him Thursday as their commander and have denounced a current coup d'etat.

"It's time to take sides for the Constitution, to take sides with the people", Guaidó told the army.

He added that he was also working to bring humanitarian aid to the country and to protect Venezuelan badets abroad. Thursday, the United States announced a help $ 20 million deliver to Venezuela "as soon as possible".

Maduro said Friday that he was ready to meet Guaidó, who badured almost simultaneously that he would not lend himself to "false" dialogue

Guaidó, the leader of the parliament formed by a majority of opponents, refused to negotiate with reference to initiatives raised by Mexico and Uruguay.

Guaidó is proclaimed acting president by invoking the Article 233 of the Constitution, which points out that there is a power vacuum with resignation, mental incapacity, death of the president or abandonment of office, controversial point since the Congress declared it in 2017, although its decisions are annulled by the Supreme Court.


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