Guardian says victim of paranormal attack: episode video


There is a lot of talk about paranormal activity. While most people around the world believe it is superstition, many others do not believe it until it happens to them. As the saying goes, “seeing is believing”. However, whenever we talk about an episode like this, everyone wants to know what it is.

On this occasion, he was mayor of the municipality of Armenia, capital of the department of Quindio in western Colombia, who claimed to have been the victim of “Paranormal entity”. According to the man, “something” attacked one of the security guards in the mayor’s office building.

Everything seems to indicate that the event occurred on August 2, around 11:00 p.m. A few days later, a video in which the alleged attack can be seen.

In the pictures belonging to the security camera of the place, you can see how one of the guards is looking for someone or something when suddenly pushed. Due to the force applied to the man, the person hit a wall and fell to the ground.

Noticia of the paranormal moment. (Photo: Twitter @QuindioNoticias).

After this episode you can see how the vigilante crawl on the side with an apparent nervous breakdown. A few minutes later, other people came to the place where the man was to assist him.

After displaying the images of the clip, Rivers noted: “Everyone will draw their own conclusions. I would also like to inform you that the video is accessible to anyone wishing to carry out the corresponding investigation. ”In addition, the mayor revealed that he had communicated the fact to the bishop of the city, Monsignor Carlos Arturo Quintero.

As expressed by the security guard to the medium The weatherAfter 11 p.m. and in the dark, a man approached him and they started to strike up a conversation. However, the guard warned him that he couldn’t be there at the time and that’s when the stranger came down the stairs and disappeared.

After that, what was recorded by the cameras happened. And although the quality of the picture is very poor, you can see the attack the Guardian suffered. Video of the attack was shared by a user on Facebook and also replied on Twitter. There, several Internet users expressed themselves on the alleged paranormal activity and left messages of all kinds. Some consider this to be a lie while others firmly believe what the Guardian has said.


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