Güemes sanatorium is renewed to improve patient care | Chronic


As part of the "Continuous Improvement Plan" and in order to provide safe and quality health care that places the patient at the center of all its actions, the Sanatorium Güemes has requested an external evaluation with the 39; Technical Institute of Accreditation. health facilities (LIFES).

It aims to evaluate the quality of care taking into account the medico-administrative components related to the process of care and patient satisfaction, thus qualifying the institution as a whole.

The evaluation consisted of a rigorous compliance audit process, based on protocols established by ITAES, in which evaluators badyze and verify adherence to standards through patient interviews and file badysis. medical, eye inspection, among others.

As a result of this process, the Guemes sanatorium has obtained full accreditation for three years and demonstrates its efforts to improve and provide the community with confidence in the services provided, while encouraging the health team to pursue the vision. institutional excellence

ITAES is a founding member of the ALPHA Program (Leadership Program in Accreditation of Health Care Programs) and is approved by the International Society for Quality Health Care (ISQua).

This is the neonatology room.


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