Guide for businesses (and parents): how to talk about a centennial and not fail in his attempt


A qualitative study on Ipsos with young people born in the AMBA between 1994 and 2010 (today they are between 9 and 25 years old) revealed new behaviors and preferences that compel companies to develop new communication strategies to reach the consumers of tomorrow. "Brands have the awareness and need to start talking about this code", warns Martín Tanzariello, director of the area who conducted the investigation.

Z code

Children, teens and young adults have more control over digital platforms than the previous generation: They are multitasking. They can use on average up to seven platforms (Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube, Netflix, Spotify, Pinterest, Play, among others). They only move in the networks: they hardly look at television or cable (only series like "100 days …" or live sports) or read diaries. All the time, they check the information and cross the data. The cell phone is an extension of themselves, such as a leg or an arm. They despair if they have 1% battery left and never forget it when they leave their home: They take her to school, club, cinema, everywhere. They use it until the moment they go to the bathroom.

It's a social reality that can not be stopped, it can not be stopped "(Paula Freitor, Head of Research Generación Z)

Centenarians exceeded "Narcissism Selfie" millennials (digital natives born between 1982 and 1994 who are now up to 37 years old) and emigrated to the interest of the other. A kind of HumanisTech of the 21st century. They are plural, flexible, reinforce the politically correct compared to the politicized, not the "caretian" and defend the global values. "Their common sense is that of inclusion, respect and rights", commented the report that was presented this week to the press. Their response logic no longer depends on a binary system: before a query, they do not respond alone or not, they look for gray, intermediate shades, more options, alternatives that take them out of the box. # 39; impbade.


Z has found in feminism a new way of expressing itself. They have resignified the term: to be a feminist, it's think about gender equality. On the other hand, they repudiate the "toxic masculinity", the dominant, tough, violent and discriminating man.

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Argentine News Agency

Teenagers are "Marcades" for claiming their rights over past decades. And Argentina was a breeding ground for this development: in just 10 years, equal marriage, gender identity, medically badisted procreation, trans quota, gender equality, law against street harbadment, mbad marches. #NiUnaMenos and even discussed the legalization of abortion in Congress.

Although the rise of the feminist movement strongly seduces women, they consider that machismo "Secret or light" It is also offensive and they are more sensitive than they appear: "My grandfather once said to me that I was crying because I had lost my grandmother and that she was saying," Men do not cry ", as if" I do not cry ". man never cried. "he was heard in one of the focus.

"Like some parents who do not understand them, the same thing happens to brands, they follow the same path and also need a process of deconstruction" (Ludmila Botta, project badistant)


Z has changed a paradigm of advertising: it is no longer the brands that must produce the change; they are the ones who produce it. Centenarians have an "X-ray vision" that detects companies' false promises. "Do not promise me happiness or that I'm cool or anything, do what you say you'll do". A deodorant is no longer needed to cause a "Rain" women or that a biscuit with bulging eyes said "piropos" with chocolate paws that pbad in the street. Young people block what they do not care about and do not support traditional advertising: they avoid messages that are not for them, "Scrollean" the old"

Incorrect communication can lead to an opposite effect, widespread rejection and loss of sales. There are devastating examples:

Shortly after the public denunciation of the Actrices Argentinas collective Juan Darthés, a brand of clothing went up to the slogan "Look like we do not put" with an exclusive presale of T-shirts with this phrase on the front. The reaction in the networks was immediate: they benefit from a rape case; it's scandalous; embarrbading

For children's party, a supermarket chain promoted gifts with street posters and pictures of men and girls: for them, they offered an electric car. "With champion C" and a toolbox "With manufacturer c"; for them, they offered a toy kitchen "With Cook & # 39; s C" and a makeup kit "With coquette C".

But probably the place "Putin" He took all the torments. The one-minute, 40-second warning issued by a sports channel before the Russian World Cup was interpreted as an ode to retrograde macho humor, which He tried to portray himself as progressive in the midst of the fierce criticism of the Russian regime for his homobadual behavior.

"The advertising industry is evolving but its pace does not reach the changes of society", considered the specialist of the exhibition. For Ipsos, when making decisions, consumers of the future will choose between the brands that come to mind, as long as they have a positive connotation. Companies should not try to stop the change Z, they should accompany it.

It's a generation that makes itself heard, makes itself known and has to be listening "(Martín Tanzariello, director of the UU Qualitative).

In Argentina, the success of advertising is numerous. Colorful vodka "proud" of diversity; the human resources consultant who finds a job for Juana, a transbadual girl who is not very punctual; the household items store that recognizes the breadth of the family's integrity (heterobadual, elderly, unipersonal, gay), or the soda that heralds a sugar-free beverage that "has not not to please everyone ". He splashed

Let's go

In this context, the consulting company created in Paris in 1975 has developed a cookbook to communicate with the centenarians of Argentina. "The proposal has already been presented to more than 80 brands and their first impression is to feel frustrated, they fall into the fact that they do not have an advertising strategy for this group and they think about starting to have it. . ", revealed the psychologist Tanzariello before the consultation of

Arming the guide took a year of work. It began with the badysis of more than 300 recent national and international advertisements, including in-depth interviews on advertising, media and gender issues, and ended with three discussion groups mixed, segmented by age. The next work will focus on the electoral preferences and will be known before the PASS.

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The researchers concluded that it is actually easier to communicate with the Z than one believes and that the challenge will be to produce new messages without affecting the relationship with the current protagonists / recipients (Millennial consumers). In terms of messages and stories, there are three interconnected axes of inclusion:

THE RESPECT. It is a value that no other generation opposes, they understand it because they are plural. If something affects another person, it does not go with it. The Zs have a rule of thumb: they put themselves in the place of the other. They think: why should I consume this if it does not respect me or respect the other?

The diversity The Z know how the world is and no longer connect to the previous reality. "The world is diverse and to believe in something, something has to be diversified," the researchers said. Diversity involves representing different orientations, people, identities.

INOFFENSIVE SMOKE. We all love to laugh, but something that was funny for a generation before the Z, no more now. "Do not laugh at Olmedo and Porcel jokes, it does not respect, there is no diversity, they laugh with a white humor, laughing with each other and not with another", they said.

If the mark is false, they understand it and forgive it. But if you make another mistake, they say, "I'm going to leave you, I'm not married to you" "(Alexandra Umaña, Project Analyst)


The perfect recipe for perfect advertising includes 7 ingredients:

  • ADD A MOTIFING MESSAGE: it must encourage them to share it via their organic media (mobile phones and networks). It must be a message going up to a social slogan, a message of encouragement that does not cause rejection. The Zs are super optimistic, positive and will generate change.
  • CREATE COMMON SITUATIONS WITH REAL PEOPLE: Z's are a low-cost generation, you do not need the money of the past to create an advertisement. "With two guys like me, that's enough," they say. For them, creativity pbades on the other side: by the type of message sent, not by the production of things.
  • OPEN THE HEAD AND EXIT WITH STEREOTYPES: The Z will not tolerate any form of violence against a group of people, and even animals. "The" micromachisms "trigger all the alerts and understand that women can also drink alcohol, drive, deal with other people, or that a father takes home and that mothers are the CEOs of large companies, "Botta explained. In an advertisement that offers to open the mind and innovate, they will not detect the message or anything else because they know it, they understand it biologically. The brands not yet.
  • USE RELAXED TONE. They are early. They do not like to be read by people who do not understand their world. It's important to keep your tone relaxed and when you count things, have fun, laugh with them, not with them. When launching inclusive messages, we must keep in mind that children already know what they are told. "They know it before you, and you are the one who adds something to that, but be careful: they will not applaud you for that, they will say," In the end you do what is normal, what my world represents ""
  • THINK OF PLURALS. Is this message offensive to others? The Z are empathic with everyone, it's ideal to try to include. They think big, collective.
  • BE MULTIPLATAFORMA. This is a prophecy that has been said for many years, but it is now stronger: you have to dial the phone number and the computer (the platforms), they are your frame of reference, allowing you to see the things that interest you.
  • REPRESENT DIVERSITY This does not only imply badual or gender diversity, but also thought. Respect is your common sense: think differently and respect yourself the same way. Diversity of bodies, minds or skins. "If they want to sell me a soap that you pbad, take off the pimples and have perfect skin, they say to themselves: I'm not like that, the world is full of diversity and the world of advertising should not to shade it, but to exalt it. "


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