Guide to saving electricity at home: how to disconnect “electric vampires”


The Mexican president has appealed to save electricity in the period from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.  (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
The Mexican president has appealed to save electricity in the period from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

In order to contribute to the generation of electricity supply reserves, the President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, urged the Mexican population to save electrical energy during rush hour, that is to say between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m.

For its part, Carlos Melendez Roman, director of the National Center for Energy Control (THE PRICE) underlined the importance of the public and businesses that use emergency power plants to rationalize the resource, especially during this week in which the rotating cuts in supply would continue.

Here are some basic recommendations issued by the Center to help save energy in the country:

Turn the lights off which are not used

Disconnect devices electronics that are not required

– Close curtains and blinds to conserve heat

Decrease or disable non-essential production processes

The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) has issued various recommendations for saving light in our homes.  (Photo: Twitter @CFEmx)
The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) has issued various recommendations for saving light in our homes. (Photo: Twitter @CFEmx)

Other recommendations for saving supply, issued by the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), son:

Opt for the use of energy-saving bulbs, preferably LEDs, as they tend to operate 10 times more than regular bulbs and consume four times less electricity. Meanwhile, for activities such as reading, studying, or sewing, use desk or desk lamps.

Place refrigerators and air conditioners away from heat sources, such as stoves and sunlight, otherwise the appliance will use more energy to cool. For air conditioners, you can also save by setting the temperature to 25 ° and cleaning your filters once a week.

Check for light leaks and, if you find one and are unfamiliar with electrical repairs, call one or more professionals in the field.

– Make a habit of turning off lights when you leave a room and disconnect the “electric vampires”, that is, devices that continue to consume power even when not in use, especially if they are operated remotely, with a power source or digital display.

Desktop computers, microwave ovens, printers and cell phone chargers are among the "electric vampires".  (Photo: Twitter @CFEmx)
Desktop computers, microwave ovens, printers, and cell phone chargers are all “electric vampires.” (Photo: Twitter @CFEmx)

In his morning lecture, López Obrador said this call to save energy was not made in advance so as not to generate an alarm in the company and avoid pressure from their “adversaries”, from groups of influence merchants and from “all those who have devoted themselves to looting”.

“Imagine the yellowish and calculated that there was going to be a general alarm. Moreover, as I knew what was being done and that I trusted the CFE executives, the CENACE technicians and the CFE workers, I said “let’s wait”. But now that the situation is not so bad, we can all help. “, he mentioned.

The president assured that the problem was “practically resolved”, but he asked for the support of the Mexican people, so that blackouts such as those which have occurred since the beginning of this week are not suffered.

(Photo: REUTERS / Jose Luis Gonzalez)
(Photo: REUTERS / Jose Luis Gonzalez)

On the morning of Monday February 15, there were several blackouts that remained without power 400,000 people in six states of the Mexican Republic on this occasion.

After complaints on social networks, the THE PRICE He explained that this failure occurred because the pipelines that supply natural gas to Mexico from Texas, United States, were frozen due to freezing temperatures recorded in the neighboring country. This position was then ratified by the CFE at a digital press conference.

“This is not a problem that is due to the CFE, but rather a situation that is present in the United States and due to the close connection with the gas supply and the transmission line, this communication caused us outages. in the north of the country. “, said Miguel Santiago Reyes Hernández, CEO of CFEnergía.


“Help all”: AMLO asked citizens to reduce their electricity consumption from 6 pm to 11 pm

Energy crisis: they warned of 48 complex extra hours and asked the population to save electricity

Electricity supply has been restored to 100% in the states affected by the “mega-payment”: CFE

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